mutual aid [Theme] Page 7

Your sadness - not the sadness
There are those who are really sorry.
When there is no power, no light days
Find someone who are harder.
№ 214276   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 16:36
89 degrees, 15 minutes and 50.8 seconds is the location of the Polar star, star of the North. For the other planets is an ordinary star, but for the Earth - it is unique. This lighthouse, anchor. Where ever you are in the Northern hemisphere, the North star always points North, shows the way... But you can still get lost. Too many possibilities. Too many bright emotions. Even too many thoughts. Where do we turn? A new lighthouse will lead us to the light? Maybe it's other people that affect our lives? Because unlike stars, the reflection of this light does not go out...
1 Season 6 Series
№ 213754   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 16:17
High in the mountains of Tibet there lived a yogi who could by the power of his meditation to move your mind in different parts of the Universe. And then one day he decided to go to Hell. He was in a room with a large round table, around which sat people. On the table stood a pot of stew, which was so large that food was more than enough for everyone. The meat smelled so delicious that his mouth the yogi is filled with saliva. However, nobody touched the food. Everyone sitting at the table had a spoon with very long handle - long enough to reach the pot and gain a spoonful of meat, but too long to put the meat in your mouth. All men were terribly exhausted, their faces were full of despair and anger. The yogi realized that the suffering of these people really terrible and sympathetically bowed his head.
And then yogi decided to go to Heaven. He was in the room, which did not differ from the first - same table, the same pot of meat, the same spoons with long handles. And at first, the yogi thought that was wrong, but happy faces of people, eyes glowing with happiness, talked about the fact that he really was in Paradise. Yogi could not understand, but then looked closely, and it became clear to him the difference between Heaven from Hell. The difference was only one - the people in this room have learned to feed each other.
№ 207402   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 10:54
- The tribe may not offer you no easy food, no heat - continued Blue Star. - In the season of bare branches night in the forest particularly difficult. All tribe members will require faithfulness and diligence. There will be a lot of hard work. If need be, you have to protect your tribe - sometimes with their lives. And hungry mouths we have a lot. But in return you will be rewarded. You will remain a cat. You will learn to live in the forest. You will feel like a real cat. Survive the tribe, help the tribe cats will always be with you even if you hunt alone.
Quote Explanation: A blue star turns to red.
№ 201600   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 22:27
... If people believe that the best neighbors are the ones who won't talk to you, that a difficult minute it is almost certain to call for help.
№ 178813   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 20:22
Cynicism - the thing is boring and retarded, it's not cool. Solidarity is what nourishes the human in man.
№ 175067   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 17:58
People help the People
And if your homesick, give me your hand and I'll hold it
People help the People
And nothing will drag you down
Oh and if I had a brain,
Oh and if I had a brain
I'd be cold as a stone and rich as the fool
That turned, all those good hearts away
People, help people
And if you're sad, give me your hand, I'll keep her
People, help people
And then there's you don't crash.
Oh, if I only listened to your mind,
I'd be cold as a stone and rich as the fool
Which turned all good hearts.
№ 166443   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 11:29
- If there is something sad and you need to cry, come to me, I could cheer you up.
- Me too! If you have trouble, I will always come to you for help.
№ 166190   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 11:17
When people have to help each other, they awaken long-forgotten human qualities. This is corroborated by any historical hard times. And it is possible that the crisis in which we are immersed today - the best that can happen to us.
№ 164124   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 21:40
- Get to the bridge - bring it on.
- I thought he was helping us.
- I'm pretty sure we're helping him.
Quote Explanation: Kirk tries to capture the enemy ship
№ 160982   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 18:53
People of intellectual labor, obey the things and nothing could be done about it. And the people-masters themselves had no things.
When in our apartment clogged toilet, lock the bar infringed the key or had to move a piano, the table was sent down to the basement, where he lived working railway depot, to ask that "someone" came. "Someone" came, and things were humble before him: a piano retreat in the right direction, Sewerage was his throat and the lock is released the key at will.
Mother said: "Golden hands" - and counted in the cupboard a silver spoon.
If the lower tenants were required to prescribe a brother in the village, they appealed to "their mercy" to the top. And looking like dictation scribbling "in the first line" bows countless relatives, moved out loud: "Here it is, umstvennoi. And the fact that our rakomelo? Pure darkness without a clue".
And in the shower floors quietly despised each other. "Think art," said hurt dad: "the sink in the bathroom was fixed... You'd do the surgery of the ear! Or, say, craniotomy". And at the bottom I thought: "You'd climb would be on all fours under the engine, and the big thing - scribbling with a feather!"
№ 151736   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 10:39
And there was such a case, when you go, no money, and apply for necessary. People sitting sick and pale. So what I did was find right here. Approached him tranquility way, picked him up, hugged me, and said, "Brother, forgive me, I have no money no money, but I have the utmost respect, love and will remember all your life." His tears flowed in two streams, and I have. And we left, parted, two vulnerable, I was in heroic form, as in the movies, and he was here. We are brothers in vulnerability, here's the thing.
№ 147214   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 19:27
It turns out that we were just a bunch of cells that decided to help each other.
№ 144721   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:04
- We thank you.
- I'm not doing this for you.
What do you do?
- Because someday I will need help in removal of the body and don't you dare give up!
№ 144047   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 16:15
I? Use people?! Well, you are so rude. Let's call it "mutual aid without reciprocity."
№ 139734   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:08