Author of quotes: Stanislaw LEM. Page 3

Regis is the most ridiculous place, which only you can imagine. The height of futility.
№ 327772   Added MegaMozg 03-06-2018 / 02:06
Life ends but not love.
Finis vitae sed non amoris (lat.).
№ 325439   Added MegaMozg 11-05-2018 / 07:03
The Commission of experts logistov studying of programs of our television, especially beauty contests, found that some types of female faces is given a clear preference, and poraskinuv brains, put forward formally the hypothesis that a person performs people function fine in the table, there is a brass plate with information about the power, efficiency and voltage, is attached, for example, electric motors.
№ 305486   Added MegaMozg 24-10-2017 / 00:21
Any species of intelligent beings have their own dilemmas, many of which are insoluble, and the rule of prehozhdenie from the frying pan into the fire, apparently indeed to the entire Universe.
№ 305485   Added MegaMozg 24-10-2017 / 00:18
It cannot be assumed that is not available to us feelings of others better than our own, and we cannot assume that they are worse.
№ 305483   Added MegaMozg 24-10-2017 / 00:12
The lack of someone else's misery does not equal to personal happiness.
№ 305482   Added MegaMozg 24-10-2017 / 00:09
When we turn from the world, the world does not disappear. Where thought, there and violence. They go a couple. It is necessary to take, if you can't change.
№ 304983   Added MegaMozg 19-10-2017 / 00:27
The number of unknown to the unknown common denominator is an acquisition, not a loss of information...
№ 304981   Added MegaMozg 19-10-2017 / 00:21
Can we call the progress of science a situation where specialization crushes any activity - cognitive, creative, intellectual, creative, so that in any specialty, each deeper plowing its ever-diminishing allotment? If machines do the calculations faster and better than living entity why would he count? If the system of photosynthesis to create food more varied and healthy than farmers, bakers, chefs, pastry chefs, what to cultivate fields and to engage in the flour milling or bread making? Why did civilization in this socialism does not send you in all directions of the sky recipes own perfection and comfort? But why would she actually do when she actually no longer exists as a community of insatiable stomachs and minds.
№ 304980   Added MegaMozg 19-10-2017 / 00:18
Man yearns for the final truth. He believes that this tends to any mortal mind. What is the ultimate truth? It is the end point of the path where there are no more secrets, no hope. When nothing should ask because all the answers have been given. There was no such place. The space is a maze created out of the mazes. Each reveals the following. To those places where you can not enter us, we get with the help of mathematics. We create the vehicles for non-human regions of the world. And yet - of mathematics can be designed incosmetika worlds regardless of whether they exist. In addition, you can leave the math and its worlds for the faith in the world beyond.
№ 304978   Added MegaMozg 19-10-2017 / 00:12
Physics is a narrow footpath over precipices, inaccessible to human imagination. This is a collection of answers to some questions that we ask the world and the world responds to us - with the condition that we are not going to ask him other questions, which cries out for common sense. What is common sense? That which contains intelligence is based on the same feelings that the apes. Intelligence, knowing the world in accordance with laws, formed its terrestrial biological niche. But the world outside of this niche, this hotbed of smart chelovekoobraznoe, has features that you cannot take in hand, to see, to bite, to hear, to feel and thus to learn.
№ 304975   Added MegaMozg 19-10-2017 / 00:03
For a person not very well up in his own device, and spiritually. It makes visible the boundaries of human capabilities, and people taking it the worse, the less they have limited aspirations.
№ 304971   Added MegaMozg 18-10-2017 / 23:51
The human world - a passage in space and time is reasonable (with some exceptions) beings cause each other suffering. Although no one counted, I believe that the amount of pain and suffering is a historical constant, rather it is directly proportional to the number of living, that is, remains constant on a per capita basis. I always tried to believe that some slow improvement occurs, but reality has consistently proved otherwise.
№ 304573   Added MegaMozg 16-10-2017 / 20:57
Happiness, of course, a relative thing. Happiness, ladies and gentlemen, is interwoven with the disaster in a most peculiar way. I think that people should be enough, if not unhappiness.
№ 304568   Added MegaMozg 16-10-2017 / 20:42
The scientist is likened to a trained elephant, which the driver has set a barrier. He uses the power of the mind is like an elephant - the power of muscles, obeying orders. It is extremely comfortable: the scientist is now ready to do anything because no that is not responding. Science becomes the order of the defeatists; logical calculating machine that replaces human morality; we give in to the blackmail of the "higher reasons" that de nuclear war may be indirectly beneficent, as derived from arithmetic. What is considered evil today, tomorrow may be good, and this is what evil itself is, in a way good. Mind shrugs off the intuitive prompts of emotions; harmony of the ideal machine is built in the model for civilization and each individual.
Means of civilization declared goals, the higher values are exchanged for convenience. Considerations of convenience, on which the tube in the bottle are replaced with metal caps, and those, in turn, is a plastic, bounce when pressed with your finger, themselves completely innocent, but in person they become pure madness, any conflict, any problem like not very convenient traffic, which should be fired and replaced with something more comfortable.
№ 303019   Added MegaMozg 05-10-2017 / 23:06