information [Theme]

In his hands, the violin became a living creature that cried, laughed, and imitated animal cries. The public, shocked by the inhuman skill, explained it as a conspiracy with the devil. Many recalled how at a concert a black silhouette with horns and a tail danced around the musician. Thanks to Paganini’s strange appearance, tangled fate and tough temperament, these fictions were accepted as pure.
№ 465988   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2024 / 08:12
If a crow begins to peck at an eagle, the eagle rises high into the sky and the crow does not have enough air there, it lags behind it. The same goes for information. If you find yourself in a matrix of negative information, you need to rise up like an eagle - read the classics and fill yourself with positive information, interesting lectures, and the negative information will disappear.
№ 464009   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:27
Information was my strength.
№ 463914   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 16:05
Due to the development of the digital society, libraries will change and will probably shrink in size. But, judging by the behavior and requests of visitors, the need for a competent librarian is quite acute, and this will not change. Today, schoolchildren are bombarded with a huge amount of Internet information, practically unstructured and often unreliable. School and academic library staff have always played a critical role in teaching students the skills of searching and studying information, including assessing the reliability of an information source. Community members need librarians to help them find the information they need, both online and in print. Whether libraries are filled with printed materials, e-books, or computers, the work of librarians will continue to be valuable and necessary.
№ 463803   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:44
- Perhaps the online god has enough power to seep into the real world. Yes, in the form of predictions.
№ 463677   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:23
These are permeable dissociative partitions. This is a fascinating concept because it explains many things that we couldn't explain until now.
Quote Explanation: The shared repository is the place where all changes come and from which all updates are pulled.
№ 463374   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 10:44
The ordinary man is but a servant, an obedient instrument, obeying the orders of the information residing in his brain.
Quote Explanation: Chapter 2
№ 463162   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 12:36
I want to look at my quotes in 5-6 years..
№ 461385   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2024 / 17:15
In real combat there is no time to think about data. In battle, it’s either you or you.
In real combat there is no time to think about data. In...
№ 459656   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 13:05
As for the Universe, the problem of accessibility of knowledge about it has always remained.
Quote Explanation: Information Exchange Points
№ 458346   Added MegaMozg 08-11-2023 / 16:51
- In France - on De Gaulle. We would have arrived there in a few days. Learned the route. All buildings were checked. Not a single window was left open. We placed our snipers everywhere. As soon as any window opened, they would immediately contact us by radio. We would watch the crowd, everyone - who has a package in his hands, a folded newspaper. No one would even be allowed to open an umbrella. There's no way they'd let a limousine go that slow, 10 miles an hour, and make an unplanned turn. But none of this was done. There was a violation of elementary safety standards. And this is the best evidence that there was a large-scale conspiracy in Dallas.
- In France - on De Gaulle. We would have arrived there in...
№ 456252   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 20:39
This ignorance is due to many reasons. Correspondents who worked in Moscow note that Soviet society is closed to foreigners. But the thing is that it is closed not only for foreigners. The thing is that it is closed to the Soviet people themselves, especially to those who do not listen to foreign radio. Any, often the simplest, information is our secret. Individual enterprises, entire islands and cities are secret; not only foreigners, but also Soviet citizens have no access there. Secret epidemics, natural disasters, train and plane crashes. The true harvest figures and production figures in general are secret. The number of alcoholics and drug addicts is secret. The names of the writers expelled from the country and, of course, their books are secret. Even the names of the most distinguished figures of the revolution, the civil war and recent Soviet leaders are secret. In the encyclopedia, for example, there is the word "Trotskyism", but there is no surname "Trotsky".
№ 454354   Added Viker 20-06-2023 / 10:54
I read some telegram channels there ... Twenty telegram channels broadcast what one person said and it all starts to resemble KSP. There was such an amateur song club, where men gathered around the fire and sang a song written by a guy who had an acquaintance, whose brother once went to the forest.
Release Date: 05.06.2023
№ 454093   Added MegaMozg 07-06-2023 / 12:57
- Yes! Chicken tikka! Chicken tikka! Oh yes, it's a douche. Finally opened his mouth. Snitch for life. Here is how it all turned around. Metaphorically. For some reason, Indian food helps a lot. Maybe because of the cumin. We pack it.
№ 453228   Added MegaMozg 01-05-2023 / 13:24
The technique of military reports is closely connected with the need for such reports and false pictures, which fundamentally distort military reality.
Quote Explanation: 1812 year
№ 451157   Added MegaMozg 03-03-2023 / 08:42