conspiracy [Theme]

- Free People and you, Shere Khan's jackals! For twelve years I took you to and from the hunt, and during all this time no one, not a single wolf, was caught in a trap or mutilated. Now I've lost my prey. You know how the plot was carried out. You know that I was brought to a strong sambhur to show everyone my weakness. Clever idea! You have the right to kill me now on the Council Rock. So I ask you, who will come forward to end Lone Wolf? Due to the Law of the Jungle, you must go out one at a time.
Quote Explanation: Illustrator M. Miturich-Khlebnikov.
- Free People and you, Shere Khans jackals! For twelve...
№ 457055   Added MegaMozg 30-09-2023 / 12:18
First of all, understand what marriage is! Marriage is a secret conspiracy of women against men. This is war. You can't go out on beauty alone.
№ 456525   Added MegaMozg 04-09-2023 / 22:21
- In France - on De Gaulle. We would have arrived there in a few days. Learned the route. All buildings were checked. Not a single window was left open. We placed our snipers everywhere. As soon as any window opened, they would immediately contact us by radio. We would watch the crowd, everyone - who has a package in his hands, a folded newspaper. No one would even be allowed to open an umbrella. There's no way they'd let a limousine go that slow, 10 miles an hour, and make an unplanned turn. But none of this was done. There was a violation of elementary safety standards. And this is the best evidence that there was a large-scale conspiracy in Dallas.
- In France - on De Gaulle. We would have arrived there in...
№ 456252   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 20:39
Ignorant citizens of New Khimuk! ... And also - all the fools who did not want to face the truth. My name is Karen Travers. I am the one who rejected the false system of New Himuka and opened my eyes. My comrades and I decided to work with Seiran, whose views we share. Enough to turn a blind eye to the truth! Your state is mad! The government of New Himuka developed the community through psy-net. And as you know, the heart of the psynet is Arahabaki's city supercomputer. His circuits are empowered psionics, as most of the population is telepathically linked to each other. Thanks to this, anyone can see and hear any information. To use it, to lead a life devoid of any restrictions. However, there is no real freedom in this! All available information is controlled by the government, and the population is turned into cattle. Look around: all people live for the sake of the country, for the sake of the government - only to be used. Everyone who breaks out of the norm is to be eliminated - they are driven crazy, turning them into their pawns. In an effort to achieve obedience, our leaders have crossed a line. But enough! The time has come to overthrow the government of New Himuka and rise from your knees! Wake up, unfortunates! Sairan defends free will! Their society is built so that people can live as befits people! And I swear that I will stand by him! We are glad to accept in our ranks everyone and everyone! I became the vanguard of the Seiran and challenged the dictatorship that recognizes only those in whom it sees its own benefit. From now on, Seiran is my homeland, and for her sake, I will destroy the system of New Himuka! Here and now we begin the liberation from the shackles of eternal conspiracies! This is the real revolution! If you woke up, like me - we are waiting for you under the flags of Seiran! And together we will overthrow this system!
№ 448097   Added Viker 02-01-2023 / 12:12
At that time, we all did not know too much. About the "Others" that seemed to us only a natural disaster - and that an unthinkable conspiracy is hiding in front of the everyday fear of them. But the main thing is that the least of all I then knew about my own fate.
№ 448007   Added MegaMozg 29-12-2022 / 10:24
Note that a political conspiracy can happen without an orator, but a revolution cannot. All world revolutions were created not just by leaders, but by outstanding orators.
№ 424586   Added MegaMozg 30-07-2021 / 23:09
- Everywhere you look, the nobility conssues against me, the servants pass letters, laugh in my face, and threaten me with a dagger behind my back.
- That's what it means to be king! So it was with his father, so it was with Richard. They were threatened by you and the Lancasters and those who killed my brothers in the Tower.
№ 421689   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2021 / 16:27
- Did you come tell us about spiders?
"She [Katarina Sforza] is in cahoots against us.
- With whom?
- With all the noble families of Rome.
- So, it's time to act: to tear these silk threads from the source, from the great arachne. And teach her a lesson in scary, elegant revenge.
- Revenge can be elegant?
- Yes. And eloquent.
№ 420584   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2021 / 11:12
A conspiracy annihilates all titles created by the whims of a social system. Then the person immediately takes the place to which it raises the ability to look death in the face. Even mind and he loses his power...
№ 389147   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2020 / 03:22
If the conspiracy start to spread rumors, it is not a conspiracy, but shit!
№ 387165   Added MegaMozg 11-02-2020 / 04:57
Salt water Yes all of you in the eyes. (Or the variant "You cry and I laugh")
№ 386454   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2020 / 12:14
Go in peace - and I'll go.
Quote Explanation: When the relationship with relatives and neighbors leave much to be desired, but it is necessary to keep the peace, do not answer evil for evil. Better wish.
№ 386453   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2020 / 12:12
- So, Hussein fought for eight years, killed 750 thousand people... by the way, attack with the use of poison gas occurred with your knowledge...
- Well, that's certainly a conspiracy theory!
- Yes, until last year it was a conspiracy theory until the CIA declassified archives...
- These idiots that shredder for paper there?! What?
- Careful, the Russians invaded Afghanistan. Yes, that's here.
- It is necessary to urgently intervene!
- That's what you did: you armed the radical Islamists...
- Radical Islamists? Against the Russian? Class! Moment, wait a minute... I'm fighting with radical Islamists in Iran against the evil?
Yeah, but compared to the very bad Russian, the Islamists are less bad.
- Excellent! Have to thank one of the ringleaders, those who are fighting for us in Afghanistan. Whatever his name is?
- Osama bin Laden!
- KKH.. Umm.. I'll call you later!
Quote Explanation: The program started after a couple of years after the death of Osama bin Laden, staged in new York the September 11 attacks that destroyed the twin Towers.
Release Date: 23.09.2014
№ 386157   Added MegaMozg 14-01-2020 / 14:56