resolution [Theme]

In his hands, the violin became a living creature that cried, laughed, and imitated animal cries. The public, shocked by the inhuman skill, explained it as a conspiracy with the devil. Many recalled how at a concert a black silhouette with horns and a tail danced around the musician. Thanks to Paganini’s strange appearance, tangled fate and tough temperament, these fictions were accepted as pure.
№ 465988   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2024 / 08:12
- Give me the point where they are.
Quote Explanation: Danila “Maloy” and “Svoyak” brought the ammunition to the point and learned that there was no vehicle yet to take the ammunition to the “Somalia” battalion and he proposed not to unload it, but to transport it directly to the front line.
1 Season 3 Series
№ 463606   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 14:42
One worthless musician criticized me at a meeting of the Union of Composers of the USSR for writing music for cartoons and nothing about the party and the government: “There is no ideology!” The then head of the union, Tikhon Khrennikov, stood up for me. He said that he himself does not know whether it is good or bad that there is no ideology, but his grandson refuses to eat porridge until they play “The Town Musicians of Bremen” for him. Everyone fell down laughing, and the next day the permit was signed.
№ 463199   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 14:06
Choice is the resolution of uncertainty by making a decision in an environment where there are several different options.
№ 450107   Added MegaMozg 08-02-2023 / 15:15
High-ranking Brazilian officials received a bribe and issued permission for the risky construction of a dam that burst, costing the lives of 200 inhabitants of the town of Brumadinho.
№ 446593   Added MegaMozg 17-11-2022 / 10:42
Generally speaking, the strength of any elite lies in the ability to navigate between the Charybdis of degeneration and the Scylla of the loss of traditions when generations change. To do this, special institutions are being formed that check potential candidates (the more distant approaches, the better). Before a person new to the elite receives the status of “one of his own” (“accepted in decent houses”) and permission to create his own tribal clan, he must be comprehensively checked by a special “personnel commission”. The role of such commissions in Western society is played by private clubs
№ 440127   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:30
Isn't that what all educated children need? Permission?
№ 431160   Added Viker 25-10-2021 / 09:17
This Village belongs to the Castle, and whoever lives or sleeps here actually lives and sleeps in the Castle. And no one is allowed to do this without the Count's permission.
№ 430602   Added MegaMozg 12-10-2021 / 16:54
- From the very beginning. How Patience got sick.
Quote Explanation: They talk about deceased loved ones.
№ 427929   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 14:14
The main task of all philosophy is to solve the riddle of the existence of the world.
№ 425178   Added MegaMozg 08-08-2021 / 17:51
Permission is not required, if it is the will of God!
№ 421709   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2021 / 22:09
Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
№ 418738   Added MegaMozg 08-05-2021 / 07:45
Kiran doesn't propose to me because I think marriage is bullshit. And if he does, he will only need my permission.
Quote Explanation: Gemma's conversation with her father
№ 414317   Added MegaMozg 28-02-2021 / 21:48