the futility [Theme]

With every plane of yours going in the wrong direction, all I can do is shake my thoughts about non-disengagement. And it doesn't hurt, because there is no time when basses and highs are closer than those 10 seconds during which spring dies in Paris.
№ 439457   Added Viker 26-05-2022 / 15:52
People find mice and rats disgusting and hamsters and gerbils cute. Pigeons symbolize world peace, although doves are just carriers of urban contagion. Pigs are considered adorable, but wild boars are shot. People admire nutcrackers, but they can't stand crows - noisy relatives of these cute birds. Dogs evoke warm feelings, while wolves become characters in scary tales. People have a weakness for ladybugs, while they are happy to crush soldier bugs. Bees enjoy a special favor with humans, which cannot be said about wasps. Horseshoe crabs are admired, but spiders, their distant relatives, are a completely different story ... I tried to find at least some logic in all this, but in the end I gave up, realizing the futility of this lesson.
№ 439335   Added Viker 26-05-2022 / 12:01
Man, by his very nature, cannot be useless. From birth to death. You come into this world with a specific purpose, you are born thanks to two other people and, of course, for them. You live and are an insanely bright light for someone. Even if you don't know it. You guide others with your radiance. You inspire and make you follow. And many people can live for you, just as you can live for someone...
№ 439153   Added Viker 25-05-2022 / 21:11
We will definitely die all *** canine.
№ 433755   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2021 / 12:39
Completely at the mercy of chance and in the hands of a bully.
№ 433748   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2021 / 04:51
I'm coming back.
№ 431315   Added MegaMozg 27-10-2021 / 19:03
K. saw the complete futility of his efforts. Besides him, orders were made, both favorable and unfavorable, and even in the most favorable there was an unfavorable core, in every case everything passed by him, and he himself was at a too low level to intervene in the matter, to make others shut up, and to hear himself.
№ 430585   Added MegaMozg 12-10-2021 / 16:00
Uselessness is the defining trait of genius. Genius is random and unique. The genius is lonely; he appears too rarely to meet his own kind.
№ 427336   Added MegaMozg 09-09-2021 / 12:54
There is nothing more useless in this world than a promise.
№ 418846   Added MegaMozg 09-05-2021 / 19:00
Don't believe me, you hear, don't believe me,
The game wasn't worth the game.
№ 411930   Added MegaMozg 22-01-2021 / 22:39
Sometimes it's worth stopping and thinking, Am I doing? And if the answer is yes, it's worth stopping.
№ 411855   Added MegaMozg 21-01-2021 / 10:15