needs [Theme]

By limiting our needs and desires, we protect ourselves from the suffering of dissatisfaction and disappointment into which greed plunges us.
№ 465067   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2024 / 03:27
There are a great many needs (personal and industrial, current and future), not all needs are solvent, not all solvent needs have an offer. The same with supply: there is no less a great variety of commodity values, not all of them meet the requirements of marketability, not all goods have effective demand.
№ 464172   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 21:57
Reducing the price of a product makes it accessible to those categories of buyers who previously could not afford it. And an increase in the number of buyers means an increase in the demand for a given product. It is more difficult to explain the behavior of buyers of a given product, who increase the volume of its purchase precisely when the price decreases. The easiest way is to assume that some buyers purchased the product in a smaller quantity than they needed, and now, thanks to a reduction in price, they bring the amount of demand to the real need.
№ 464065   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 16:33
The goods and services offered on the market have a very important property for the consumer - the ability to satisfy his needs. This property in economic theory is designated by the term utility. Of course, for each consumer the degree of usefulness of various goods is not the same and is determined by his subjective preferences.
№ 464060   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2024 / 16:18
Philister (Philister from German - “Philistine”) is a contemptuous name for a person with narrow views, devoted to routine; a smug philistine, an ignorant layman, distinguished by hypocritical, sanctimonious behavior. Schopenhauer defined a philistine as a person without spiritual, that is, intellectual needs, as one who has no aspirations for knowledge and understanding, who does not receive aesthetic pleasure from art, and has only physical needs.
Quote Explanation: The word “philistine” in its positive meaning was included in Pushkin’s active vocabulary. In the novel “Eugene Onegin,” the poet Lensky is characterized by the line: “At heart a Göttingen philistine.” It is this version that appears in the first edition of the chapter on October 20, 1826, and in the reprint of 1830.
№ 463066   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:23
A person needs to feel valued, respected, approved and loved. He thinks that he will be accepted by others only if he shows himself to be “good.” He believes that if he shows his weaknesses, he will lose the respect and approval of people, and therefore is not able to admit them even to himself. At a deeper level of the psyche, a person's need for respect and approval is related to the need to feel that others recognize him as an individual.
№ 462611   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 15:57
A full life is impossible without optimism, rationality and the need for self-realization, or more precisely, without a holistic life-giving worldview.
№ 462451   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 10:06
It is not right for a woman’s heart to become so immersed in God that she stops hearing her own truth.
Quote Explanation: Translation of LostFilm. [Beneath Younger is a character from A Raisin in the Sun, a play by Lorraine Hansberry.]
It is not right for a woman’s heart to become so immersed...
№ 460967   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2024 / 22:21
From a scientific point of view, the Earth has all the conditions to create an abundance of food, and more than enough minerals to satisfy the needs of all people if properly managed. There are enough resources for every person to have a very high standard of living. It is necessary to use technology, raw materials and technical potential wisely. When we talk about technology, we mean technology that does not harm people, the environment, or waste time and energy.
№ 459092   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 11:39
№ 453724   Added MegaMozg 20-05-2023 / 13:36
I used to think that in order to satisfy the need for romantic love and sexual relationships, while in marriage, there were only two choices: monogamy or infidelity. None of the options worked for me. It turned out that there is a third solution: polyamory, or emotionally open, conscious and responsible non-monogamy.
№ 453168   Added MegaMozg 29-04-2023 / 12:24
№ 453167   Added MegaMozg 29-04-2023 / 12:06
The old corduroy trousers were asking for retirement, as well as my entire wardrobe. However, the needs of two growing children were much more important than my own.
№ 450094   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 11:17
From each - according to his ability, to each - according to his needs, otherwise nothing.
№ 448827   Added Viker 09-01-2023 / 11:31
to silently understand each other is only the result of very long and intelligent conversations, and not the “magic of love”. And that also takes maturity.
№ 447186   Added MegaMozg 02-12-2022 / 03:27