Author of quotes: Maxim Kantor. Page 1

There is a necessary lesson that gives a war. In fact, this lesson gives every death that we see, but when a lot of deaths, a lesson is learned faster. The lesson is that the fate of a mortal is common. Life is not given to you alone, but you - as the representative kind, it is the person you can be as a person and as a pacifist. Therefore, taking the gift of life, you are taking responsibility for their own kind, who gave you this life. And then you have this one life to give. This is a simple syllogism. The home is a meeting you like, with them you share the life, for them to die. There is also a big family - humanity, and if your homeland is crazy, ought to join to mankind - but only for the salvation of their country, not against it! Even a tyrant can't repeal the law of family and solidarity is weak.
№ 273387   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:06
As once remarked Marshal von Bulow: "to Stop the war is not possible, because is not a country at war, and Nations." One who could laugh at war of kings, on the intrigues of the presidents, failed to laugh at the fate of his people. Because the fate of the people is supposed to share. To kill people in the democratic carnage was the easier that from now on everyone was considered a master of your own fate make your choice. And no matter what do not have to choose. It is important that run was nowhere.
Quote Explanation: Apparently, this refers to: Friedrich Wilhelm von bülow, count von Dennewitz (February 16, 1755, Falkenberg - February 25, 1816, königsberg) - the Baron, then the count von Dennewitz (7 August 1814), the Prussian General of the infantry (April 4, 1814). In 1815 Bulow participated in the invasion of France. Bulow did not participate in the battle at ligny, at Waterloo but case billow first from the army of Blucher went into the flank of Napoleon. 9 Jul 1815 bülow's troops entered Paris.
№ 273385   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:06
In fact the thing that švejk is not a deserter. And not the objector. He, so to speak, antidisaster. <...> It is, of course, against the war, but goes to war. And if you would have asked him what he was fighting, he would have said: friends, the restaurant "U Kalicha", for human dignity, for the Motherland. Because the homeland is. It can cancel the fascists and the liberals, Communists and geopolitics, you may find that your Motherland is the whole world, and a boring family has nothing to do with you, it is a burden. But homeland nevertheless exists, and it give life.
№ 273383   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:06
The loudest rebukes the tyrant, who has his boots licked, the best fighter privileges - who has all privileges, and a security officer, be trusted to expose the crimes of the Cheka. In fact, this is the essence of the item: the boss becomes a boss forever, and what specifically to lead - whatever. Today the banker of tomorrow - Prime Minister, the day after the leader of the opposition, then the representative of the President, the next day, the commander of the nuclear industry. And what of this? It will be necessary - and a dissident designate. Russian society is not divided into left and right, but only on the top and the bottom: today, the boss took the rhetoric of the dissidents, that's all.
№ 273382   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:06
Never, in whom I have not seen such a persistent, vivid hatred of the Stalinist regime, as the children of those who escorted my family on shipments. And this is understandable: their relatives had served the Master, and once the owner has changed, as the former had greater claim. Who still so vehemently hates a slave, not as master of the former! No matter how I tried to convince neophytes of the dissident movement, not everything in communism is bad, equality and fraternity - not a crime, but saw only a hard compressed lips, burning eyes earnest.
№ 273381   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:06
I was arrogant, proud, and sometimes allowed himself to say that they do not believe in God. "Don't believe in God" - wild words! But I repeated them not once, and even insisted on their disbelief: it seemed to me that unbelief is a kind of dissent. Then I say to myself and others that I will not tolerate on myself no power: neither the Soviet nor secular, nor Church, nor spiritual. And even in one of the conversations I have compared the Liturgy with the party meeting to say: and here and there a man is overwhelming, deafening all the senses at once - pomp ceremony, verbosity sermons, importunity anthem. But in a clean Church, nothing was deafening: no pomp, no verbosity. Silence and quiet music. The music was special, thoughtfully-confidence, like someone slowly talked to you in a melodious voice.
№ 273380   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:06
The entire twentieth century was devoted to the search for a universal language, a shared utopia. For the sake of common language wars were fought, the city was bombed, collected internationals - and the common language there. Don't you think that the total mutual incomprehension - the best environment for the emergence of a dictatorship? Imagine that you can apply to all people. Suppose the Lord gives you a chance to speak - one chance - what you can say? What language to speak? What to do socially significant? Buy Faberge eggs? To expose the lie of the Senator? Grab one of the policeman in the ass? Paramount, no doubt, but will come if the message of every heart? A long way from the ass to the heart? Ah, everyone is on your answer. No common language - neither in art or in social life, in politics, anywhere. But the clapper still remains. And the people in the town square listening to him. Society exists in spite of globalization and corporate morality, in defiance of contemporary art and financial capitalism. People - resistant creatures: you tell them about the ass, and they are drawn to the bells.
№ 273379   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:06
To be rich among the poor - ashamed to be poor among the rich - disgusting; it is difficult to make a precise action.
№ 273378   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:05
Once the German poet Rilke said, "Poetry is not for the sake of expressing feelings". It is paradoxical, but typical of German philosophy. Rilke had in mind that feelings should occur then, as being agitated by the poem. Art is the key that opens the locked door of consciousness. Kant, for example, never wrote a separate volume of "Aesthetics" - is not considered necessary. Art - according to Kant - is something official in relation to morality and ethics. It is important to find a language, a form of interaction with others to have feelings have the opportunity to Wake up. Feelings - they are in every, often just sleeping. Then there is art that people remembered that he has a soul. "So the secret stream of suffering warmed the cold existence" - using the expression of another poet who has received the word to be said, the German philosophical education.
Quote Explanation: "So the secret stream of suffering warmed the cold existence", Boris Pasternak. Quote from the poem "Earth" (1947). In 1908, Pasternak entered the law faculty of Moscow University, and in 1909, he transferred to the philosophical branch of historical-philological faculty of Moscow University. In the summer of 1912 he studied philosophy at the University of Marburg in Germany, the head of the Marburg neokantians school of Professor Hermann Cohen, who advised Pasternak to pursue a career philosopher in Germany.
№ 273374   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:05
Those who loved us, and whom we are unable to return the love; those who have been loyal to us, and we have this loyalty is not deserved, - to ask their forgiveness? It is rarely possible to return the love, we're taking her in debt, lazy pay miserable interest. And then forget about the debt.
№ 273373   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:05
We take love apart - my parents, God, my wife. We take it so much, so much, enough for a long time to warm life. And paying the price, slowly, give love back in small portions.
№ 273372   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:05
Today, when veterans of the Latvian SS division carried out the jubilee parades and the Soviet invaders to commemorate the annexation of Latvia fortieth year, is not accepted to remember, in the forty-first, the town consisted of German troops and that was then. And that's what it was. The first of July the German troops entered Riga, and for the fourth fourth of July Latvian nationalists (from the organization "Perkonkrust") burned - along with people - the Great choral synagogue. For three days burned twenty synagogues. All of July the Latvian nationalists have been arrests of Jews who put the Jews in the Central prison. 23rd August, it was established the Riga ghetto, where he placed 29th of thousands of Jews, kept there until November, and in November, SS-obergruppenführer Friedrich Acceln ordered the destruction of the ghetto. On the night of 30 November 1941 in the Rumbula forest and shot 26 thousands of Jews, including 8 thousand children under ten years of age.
№ 273369   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 13:05
Tell us that the English General Harris, responsible for the bombing of Germany was once stopped by a patrol when he was driving drunk, he loved to drive without a chauffeur. The Lieutenant recognized the hero of the bombing, saluted. "You still be careful, General, still crush someone." - "Come on, Lieutenant,' replied Harris, every day I kill thousands of people".
№ 273070   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 12:56
Zinoviev formulated very important for the Russian social rule, it is necessary to memorize. The main problem - not the Stalinist regime, not the Communist ideology, not even totalitarianism. The main problem of moral inferiority that allows you to put up with today's evil, if evil it unlike yesterday. Social injustice takes many forms, humiliation of man - is always an abomination, whatever the need of humiliation nor justified. The main problem - the groveling, allowing you to experience the comfort of a moral because I serve a progressive master.
№ 273069   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 12:56
The decree of Franklin Roosevelt on 13 December 1941 he settled transactions with companies under floor control of the Nazis. "Standard oil" was regularly supplied Germany with fuel and rubber, and even if the States themselves had problems with deliveries, with supplies to Germany no problems. The Luftwaffe, which bombed the Soviet Union and Britain, have killed English, Russian and American soldiers have refueled, produced by the American Corporation. The Ford plants in occupied France, worked fine, Volkswagen has been 100 % "GM," and owned by Ford "Opel" produces nothing except tanks.
№ 273068   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2017 / 12:56