Author of quotes: Natalia Andreeva. Page 2

Did you live in a prison. In the world of conventions. According to the rules, invented by people who are no better than us. And who lived a long time ago, in a very primitive world. And primitive values should somehow be relevant to civilized people...
№ 151917   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 10:49
But he had no idea what kind of women he likes. That is like beautiful. But falling in something special. It is always a surprise and often ridiculous, why there are so many weird couples. It seems these people can't be together, and they live and are not going to leave. Love is sometimes the mockery of the Creator over his favorite, not to conceited: you're handsome, successful, rich, and all he touches will turn to gold, but instead I'll take your heart and give it to some jerk. And you, beautiful, successful, rich, will be ridiculed, until we get rid of this dependence. And you're gone, I won't allow it.
№ 150683   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 09:38
People very easy to manage. If you know the motives of their actions. Even easier to play on their feelings, if you have the shower did not have any. It's cynical, but effective. If you are a clever man, sensitive and emotional, but still not able to hide it, he becomes easy prey. And the mind will not help here.
№ 146186   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 18:32
... when everything is collapsing, among the about of values is the only true one: people. The native people with whom you can start over among the ashes. And even if you lost everything, and found it, that means you gained much more than lost.
№ 146185   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 18:32
Everything in the world is stupidity made out of boredom. People who have nothing better to do. Bored love, bored divorced, out of boredom, lay down in bed with unfamiliar men.
№ 146184   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 18:32
"There is no justice,' said Ivan Taranov. And he added: - Nor in earth nor above." But there is a law of conservation of energy. No need to shout in despair: "why me?!!". You just have to remember.
№ 146183   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 18:32
Everyone lies, but because there is no truth at all, and that is a lie, impossible to determine. The lie is considered truth, even though everyone knows that's a lie. A little confusing, but as it is.
№ 145476   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:51
We left the restaurant and walked along the street slowly, enjoying the evening coolness and smell of the city, which is on the sea. It gives life a special rhythm. Even when it is not seen and not heard, is still present smell of salt water washed stones, wet sand, wet boards, and in any quarter, even the most remote, is this wonderful, exciting atmosphere when it is possible at any moment to throw things, however important they may be, and to escape to the beach. And it is not necessary for this to run to the travel Agency or search for options in the Internet, bothered with a visa, if it is not, then long and tedious to go to the airport and receive the proper departure formalities. That's when all this no, when the sea is two steps away from work, then it is high.
№ 145475   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:50
The mother of all, with people of intellectual professions as readily produce steam as the layers of sleepers. In Moscow traffic jams will learn to swear laureate of the Tchaikovsky and the romantic poet, the girl violinist and refined lady, whose ancestors blue bloods for centuries wore the title of count. The essence of our present life cannot be expressed with normal words. But there is one word that fits exactly. This is a full...
№ 145474   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:50
... woman, evading physical contact with men, loses power over them. They will enthusiastically tell her what she's wonderful, smart, kind, sensitive, dark (and even in the daytime) we sneak out to the insensitive and unkind, stupid and greedy, but willingly spreads her legs.
№ 145473   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:50
He looked at me with hatred. It was a promising hatred. Step away from mad love.
№ 145472   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:50
Unlike me Protein is not very picky about relationships. Because in my dreams I was born in the nineteenth century, I sometimes pull on the pathos. Promiscuous. How does that sound? Not that "jumping into bed with anyone who will call." Although actually the way it is.
№ 145471   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:50
... I'm even willing to sit down for this love. In prison, probably not so bad. That is, there is bad, but it removed all sorts of movies with a touch of romance. They say prison friendship is the strongest. I don't have none at all. So, maybe try?
№ 145470   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:50
Why the truth needs no proof, a lie is not? Lies why is it all so believe. Can you explain why?
№ 145469   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:50
But who needs the truth? Yes, anyone, so the desire to always speak the truth and only the truth is also called cynicism. Impudence. The faux pas.
№ 145468   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 17:50