Author of quotes: Thomas Mann

You can't say a bad word about a pretty and not talkative woman!
№ 454266   Added Viker 19-06-2023 / 08:27
There is nothing more disgusting than a man who despises himself.
№ 454265   Added Viker 19-06-2023 / 08:27
Man is weak: in the applause something it grows and spreads, and cold silence is compressed.
№ 391182   Added MegaMozg 14-04-2020 / 13:15
Morality and life are one. Ethics - principles of life and moral man - a true citizen of life.
№ 374564   Added Viker 13-07-2019 / 13:09
The fact is that all too hard busy with themselves to form a serious opinion about other people; people with a passive willingness to accept the degree of respect that you confidently show yourself. Be what you want, live how you want, but show a daring Pobediteley, bashful, no doubt, and no one would get the moral firmness to despise you.
№ 371264   Added MegaMozg 01-06-2019 / 09:08
There is nothing more weird and awkward than the relationship of people who know each other only in person: meeting, Vidyas daily, sometimes hourly, they, by the will of etiquette or their own whim, have, not bowing, to observe a mine on the face of indifference, even of strangeness. Although it is actually their long connects the thread of mutual concern, the excitement of curiosity, almost itching natural, but not satisfied, suppressed the need to meet and get to know each other, and, as a consequence, even a kind of shadowed respect. Because man loves and esteems another, as long as it is not able to judge it with the mind, so that love stems only from lack of knowledge.
№ 369587   Added MegaMozg 11-05-2019 / 23:02
However, nothing seems to dull the vigorous and exalted mind faster and neumania than the tart sweetness of knowledge; and so melancholy even the most omnivorous of youthful inquisitive mind, of course, only medkomissii in comparison with the strong determination of wise masters, at the vertices of maturity realize the need to reject knowledge, proudly, lifting his brow to look over the knowledge, if knowledge is iota is able to paralyze the will, undermining the cause, undermine the feeling and debase passion.
№ 369586   Added MegaMozg 11-05-2019 / 22:51
Eros loves idleness, for not only and created.
№ 365289   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2019 / 08:03
Happiness of a writer - the idea, the whole turning into a feeling, a sense, entirely turning into a thought.
№ 365288   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2019 / 08:02
Nothing is calm, noble and strong spirit more and okonchatelnoe than spicy and bitter charm of knowledge.
№ 365287   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2019 / 06:02
People unknown why they are crowned with the glory of a work of art. Not being connoisseurs, they imagine that they opened it hundreds of advantages, if only to substantiate burning its interest; but the true reason for their enthusiasm is something weightless: sympathy.
№ 365286   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2019 / 05:21
To significant work immediately has an impact in depth and breadth, there must be a secret affinity, moreover, similarities between personal destiny and fate of his generation.
№ 365284   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2019 / 05:19
All great claims itself as a "contrary" - in spite of grief and agony, despite poverty, abandonment, weakness and thousands of obstacles.
№ 365283   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2019 / 05:18
By knowing himself, man can no longer remain what it was before.
№ 356029   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2019 / 00:31
His indifference was so great that he was barely aware of what is happening around, what company it is, and so on. Only in very rare cases, he called his companion by name, and it makes you think that he just didn't know his name, although the source had every reason to assume the opposite. Loneliness adriana I would compare with the abyss into which silently and completely killed the feelings they awakened in human hearts. Around him was a cold, and how hard it was to me when writing this word, I remembered that he had once used it, and what a terrible connection! Life and understanding give separate vocaboly tone, completely alien to their everyday meaning, a menacing halo, invisible to those who at least once they had not faced their worst value.
№ 313910   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2018 / 13:02