Character: Hugo

It's not your job to make me happy. This is my job. And I will try.
Quote Explanation: Father to son.
Its not your job to make me happy. This is my job. And I...
№ 461735   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2024 / 04:12
- No. But you must go to that theater, ask for forgiveness from your son and bring him home. That's what I'm getting at, Hugo.
- No. But you must go to that theater, ask for forgiveness...
№ 461732   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2024 / 04:03
Is it really possible to stop? Even if my fault will stop all the clocks at the Paris train station, time will not stop running, life will go on!
№ 235532   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 10:20
- I often come here in the evenings, confessed Hugo. Sometimes just looking and sometimes imagine the Universe as a huge, well-oiled clockwork in which, as expected, not a single superfluous detail. And then human life becomes very special to me. Because we were not born just like that, each of us has its own purpose and its own destiny.
№ 235531   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 10:20
The secret of contentment is never to allow yourself to want something that you like tells you his mind, still not able to.
№ 187936   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 12:55
Beauty throws the mind into confusion: it is contrary to common sense. Could never agree that Isabel is what she is: generous, lazy, loving and silly young woman. Thought every woman of her beauty certainly has a sort of instinctive penetration into the mysteries of life, access to such wisdom, inaccessible to the simple mind. Whenever she opened her beautiful mouth, I waited for her to paint life in the magical paint. I guess I could spend with her all my life, just looking at her and waiting for the prophecies. And she's only capable of talking about rags.
№ 187935   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 12:55