the essence [Theme] Page 20

Give things name - and it occurs, will exist. The whole truth - in the title, and also all the lies. A false name may skew reality and its image.
№ 303023   Added MegaMozg 05-10-2017 / 23:18
Use your own eyes, experience your mind, to comprehend the essence of things.
№ 297583   Added MegaMozg 14-08-2017 / 21:18
People condemning other people's appearance - nothing. The appearance is changeable, and the essence of your shit to be in life with you!
№ 296180   Added MegaMozg 01-08-2017 / 16:12
With age you begin to understand what is happening and simply want to go somewhere far away.
№ 291396   Added MegaMozg 21-06-2017 / 03:12
Will, for example: "What is love?" One says: "Love arises on the basis of respect..." Other: "Nothing like that, love is a habit, man loves not only wife, but mother and father and even animals..." - "Ugh, stupid! - will say, - love is when you are boiling, man walks like a drunk..." And so to philosophize and hours and another, until the Sergeant intervened, commanding voice not define the essence.
Quote Explanation: The story "Russian character".
№ 284464   Added MegaMozg 24-04-2017 / 19:41
Form is nothing, the essence of everything. Nothing matters but the truth and purpose. Once you said you were ready for it. And you said, "When I live half my life in the hope that someday you will reach, and then suddenly realize that you're just not strong enough to achieve it, and then you suddenly for a moment of sheer inspiration... it's hard to resist the temptation to give in to it. And it is not easy to survive the fall if his wings will keep you on weight".
№ 279740   Added MegaMozg 17-03-2017 / 20:21
In every life there are turning points that give meaning to the whole existence, if you had the wisdom to recognize them. Over time they become more like strung on a thread of pearls - they are the essence of our life, and the memories of them give us comfort in the hour when the end is near.
№ 267749   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 11:57
Our memory is the final proof of the reality more than the sum of the sensations.
№ 267673   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 11:53
In this lies the essence of all tragedies: one is they bring together, someone pushing.
Therein lies the truth about tragedies. They bring some people closer together, drive others apart.
№ 265624   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 10:44
- Why Heather?
- So was my grandmother. Don't like it, pick another name.
- No, the name is normal. I was and Sharon, and Mary, and Katie. Will Heather. You were Christopher, now you're Harry. Names are not important. We don't change.
№ 263184   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 21:53
Sometimes the small details that are the whole point.
№ 254467   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 12:59
The total day on the attempt nezrimo
no suti in sunco to understand.
Chalene word agnusdei Rima,
vltu on the night. Words less than n to anati.
I alcoholc strachen suti,
, SSF, ALMC first murah.
Moï words, choboty not vsut,
slivaut crow Yu - Terny.
The stench illuminate I lie, Yak VI.
And potim h obrazuyut SLP.
I scho, as otherwise th Bulo pages -
the I tilki, do popele in ruts.
Day torturing in search of the invisible
in the dark of the conceptual themes surface.
Crazy word curbing rhyme,
fly in the night. My planet.
I'm an alcoholic so executed fact,
her Sisyphus, alchemist, ant.
My words, in boots shod,
bleeding with thorns of its branches.
They as burning towers fall,
then them felt the blind.
And what - as if there were fires,
and ash will get a handful of hands.
№ 253784   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 12:37
How many fairy tales piled up,
And legends, and epics, and poetry
To see was still difficult
The essence of things from the depths of centuries.
To consider what we are made of,
From what we came from tribes...
We would all stand by the door would
And to shake off the errors of the times.
№ 252168   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 11:42
Simplicity is the essence of any good plan.
1 Season 9 Series
№ 243539   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 18:06
One robe does not make anyone a priest, as the dress does not make a woman a true beauty or good, or generous, or clever. Do not confuse how a person looks what it is.
№ 241848   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:33