Author of quotes: George Martin

“I intend to give the common folk peace, food, and justice. If that's not enough to get their love, let Fungus take the journey. Or we can send a dancing bear. I was once told that nothing common people love so much as dancing bears. You can also cancel today's feast. Send the lords home to their castles and distribute food to the poor. Full stomachs and dancing bears - that's the order I want to have.
№ 446837   Added MegaMozg 24-11-2022 / 15:06
Of course, I'm a fool, but not so stupid as to stay with this fool.
№ 446797   Added MegaMozg 24-11-2022 / 13:06
A person who knows how to ease pain knows how to inflict it.
№ 446796   Added MegaMozg 24-11-2022 / 13:03
Faced with a choice between "a dead father lying cold in the ground, and a living woman, warm and full of passion, in his arms, the boy showed amazing prudence for a man of such noble blood, choosing love instead of honor," says Gribok.
№ 446657   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 16:42
Staromest was strong enough to resume the war; only desire was not enough.
№ 446656   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 15:12
The great lords would have given us two more years of war, declares the fool in his testimony, it was the women who made peace. Black Ali, the Maiden of the Valley, the Three Widows, and the twin dragons were the ones who put an end to the bloodshed; and not with swords or poison, but with ravens, words and kisses.
№ 446655   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 15:09
When Aegon objected, saying that Lord Corlis, Lord Laris, and Ser Perkin were friends, the Lord of Winterfell replied that false friends were more dangerous to the king than any other enemy, and that the Serpent, Clubfoot, and Flea only saved him to use and rule Westeros in his name.
№ 446654   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 15:06
The guys admitted defeat. Frightened, they relented and agreed to join forces with Lord Stark when he marched against Storm's End. Mankan claimed that they did it voluntarily, judging that the wolf lord was right. "Inspired by victory, they wanted more," he writes in The True Statement. They craved even more glory, glory that young people dream of and that can only be won in battle.” Fungus, more cynically, suggested that the young lords were simply afraid of Creegan Stark.
№ 446653   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 15:03
- What are you, babies in diapers, if you allow yourself to fool your head with flowers, holidays and affectionate words? Stark scolded them. - Who told you that the war is over? Clubfoot? Or Serpent? Because they want it? Because you won your little win in the dirt? Wars end when the vanquished kneel, and not before.
№ 446652   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 15:00
Little boys eventually become grown men, and the baby absorbs hatred with his mother's milk. We must end these enemies now, or those of us who won't be in the graves in twenty years will regret our stupidity when these little ones take their fathers' swords and go out to exact revenge.
№ 446651   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 14:57
The snow behind the Isthmus was already deep, and cold winds were rising there; in fortresses, castles, and villages throughout the north, great and small prayed to their weirwood trees that this winter would be short. Those who had fewer hungry mouths lived better during these dark days, so it has long been a custom in the North for the elderly, younger sons, single, childless, homeless and hopeless to leave home with the first snow so that their relatives can survive and see another spring. The victory was secondary for the men of this winter army; they went for glory, adventure, robbery and, most importantly, for a dignified death.
№ 446650   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 14:54
“They died the day we set out, boy.
№ 446649   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 14:51
The Lord of Winterfell, twenty-three years old, was not much older than the Lords of Raventree and Riverrun... but Stark was a man, and they were boys, as everyone who saw them together noticed.
№ 446647   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 14:45
Septon Eustace tells us that a "strange euphoria" has gripped King's Landing; Fungus put it simply that "half the town was drunk."
№ 446646   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 14:42
It was said that Lord Benjicot looked like a real boy in his court clothes - tall for his years, but thin, with a gentle face and a shy and unassuming air; dressed in chain mail and armor, Bloody Ben became a completely different person - one who, at the age of thirteen, had seen more battles than many people in their entire lives.
№ 446645   Added MegaMozg 19-11-2022 / 14:39