mouse [Theme]

Sickle greenish spot.
Quote Explanation: 15.04.1906
№ 466086   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2024 / 08:15
What will feed you until spring.
№ 461661   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2024 / 15:18
As soon as you become cheese in oil, mice appear around you, wanting to devour you.
№ 456402   Added MegaMozg 28-08-2023 / 23:18
Or maybe we are all circus mice running among bakelite houses, and the Lord God and other celestials are watching us through plexiglass.
№ 450004   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 10:59
What is immoderate for a mouse is a measure for an elephant.
№ 447422   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2022 / 23:54
There is no difference, because the task is the same.
№ 445969   Added MegaMozg 01-11-2022 / 00:00
An amazing thing. What happens in this transformation of mice into bear hunters? That's the gradation I was talking about. When mice are mice, they are small and live in their burrows. But when their humanity, which is certainly inherent in them, which is inherent in people, spirits and the same bears, begins to grow, they acquire the property of a soul, or spirit, they scale, they turn from victims or objects into predators. And in order to emphasize how powerful the predator, that is, the hunter, the mouse as a spirit becomes, the Chukchi describe that they hunt bears. Can you imagine? - a small mouse hunts a big bear and drags him on his carts to his hole.
Quote Explanation: This is an excerpt from A. G. Dugin's lecture "Soul / Body / Man in Archaic Societies." The second lecture from the "Fundamental Psychology" cycle Dugin here refers to Vladimir Tan-Bogoraz's research on the Chukchi "The Resurrected Tribe".
№ 444775   Added MegaMozg 21-09-2022 / 08:00
The heat burned in the cold of the heart.
Quote Explanation: 1943, Moscow
№ 444725   Added MegaMozg 19-09-2022 / 20:03
Elephants are mice that think globally.
№ 442489   Added MegaMozg 25-07-2022 / 23:27
Elephants are megalomaniac mice who are too lazy to go to a psychiatrist.
№ 442209   Added MegaMozg 15-07-2022 / 23:33
Amelin: - Well, then I don't know! ... Well, do you want me to bring you a cat?
Quote Explanation: 1st series. Story one. "Commissioner Ameline". [Amelin is forced to put Kutasov under lock and key.]
Amelin: - Well, then I dont know! ... Well, do you want me...
№ 440444   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2022 / 19:21
Do you know what it means to have sons! And how difficult it is to have sons?... So, after all, you want white mice, hedgehogs, snakes and other reptiles to be found in your beds in the morning... And what will happen next? You can't imagine... This is happiness... Don't call me here again! Let them roar!
Do you know what it means to have sons! And how difficult...
№ 436639   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2022 / 12:54
From the height of an eagle, human shadows are visible - people, like mice in the darkness, are in chaotic movement.
№ 436459   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2022 / 03:54
In our world, when everyone, like crazy mice, runs to get more cheese, it is important to stop in time, take a breath and ask yourself an important question: “Do I need this cheese?”
№ 436168   Added MegaMozg 08-03-2022 / 13:09
My mother was a healer and often faced the machinations of the devil. She told me about children who lured their parents into the forest and killed them. About the possessed, whose skin burst, because the demons burst out of their bodies. For them, we are mice that you can play with and then tear to pieces. It all starts with a mark like a sail. Its purpose is to scare us, because intimidated people are ready to do anything with anyone, just to get rid of the fear.
№ 426530   Added MegaMozg 27-08-2021 / 12:48