tranquility [Theme] Page 1

I remember as a teenager I went to Warsaw. Then there was still a strict Communist regime, which I did not approve. And yet there was something special. In a few weeks I felt... that something in me has changed. The city was gray and gloomy, but my mind was thus purified. I wrote in my diary about what had not thought. It took me a while to figure out where these conflicting ideas. And one day, passing through the Jewish cemetery, I realized that I forgot all about their old habits. The TV was in a language I did not buy anything, I didn't understand. So I just walked around the city and wrote. My brain rested, he was free from the consuming frenzy. I was in harmony with itself. No strange desire to be somewhere else, to shop. First was the boredom, but soon it was replaced by peace.
№ 330147   Added Viker 25-06-2018 / 10:03
What a joy to live here, not counting the hours, seeking oblivion in sleep without the fear of going late, and quietly waiting for the sunrise, enjoy the idea that there is still infinitely a lot of time that you have nothing to worry about.
№ 328785   Added MegaMozg 13-06-2018 / 02:07
Sunset - the hour of hope.
№ 324153   Added Viker 26-04-2018 / 08:59
Nightfall - the hour when fears leave the peeling walls, and sorrow mitigated, when the soul, proudly waving his wings, rises over the sleeping humanity.
№ 324146   Added Viker 26-04-2018 / 08:59
Is there a place where I sometimes go. It's cold and foggy, and you float like a cloud. Now you are the cloud. The same as in the sky in windy weather. You don't have to think about anything. You're nothing. You're a nobody.
There's a place I go in my head sometimes. it's cool and dim in there and you float like a cloud. Now you are a cloud, the kind you see in the sky on a windy day. You don't have to think about anything. You're nothing, you're nobody.
№ 313407   Added MegaMozg 07-01-2018 / 07:02
I don't think ever in my life been happier. Everything in its place.
I can't think of a time in my life when I've been happier. Everything in its right place.
№ 311181   Added MegaMozg 16-12-2017 / 15:03
three dimensions
the height, width, depth.
As a Shoe box.
Then learn
about the fourth dimension:
They say
there may be five, six, seven...
At the end of the day
I drink my beer
at the bar,
looking through the glass
and rejoice.
When you're a child
you learn
there are three dimensions:
height, width and depth.
Like a shoebox.
Then later you hear
there's a fourth dimension:
Then some say,
there can be five, six, seven...
I knock off work
have a beer
at the bar
I look down at the glass
and feel glad.
Quote Explanation: The poem "Another One" contemporary American poet Ron Padgett (Ron Padgett) written specifically for the film.
№ 280198   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:25
I'm going through
billions of molecules
giving way to me
and on the sides
even with a billion
are in place.
start to creak.
The rain had stopped.
And I stood up.
On the corner
in the yellow raincoat
a mother holds the hand.
I go through
trillions of molecules
that move aside
to make way for me
while on both sides
trillions more
stay where they are.
The windshield wiper blade
starts to squeak.
The rain has stopped.
I stop.
On the corner
a boy
in a yellow raincoat
holding his mother's hand.
Quote Explanation: The poem "The Run" a contemporary American poet Ron Padgett (Ron Padgett) written specifically for the film.
№ 280196   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:25
In our house a lot of matches
We always keep them on hand
Now our favorite brand
"Ohio Blue Tip"
Although we had chosen "Diamond"
As opened the "Ohio Blue Tip"
They lie
In strong cartons
With white, blue and blue stickers
The words written
In the shape of a megaphone
Like loud
Here are the best matches in the world
One and a half inches of soft pine
Crowned with a dark purple head
And whether you're sober or dead drunk
They burst into bright flame
And light a cigarette of the woman
The first time
Which will never happen again
That's all I give you
That's all you give me
If I was a match, and you're a cigarette
Be cigarette I and you a match
We are burning kisses, smoke flying into the sky
We have plenty of matches in our house
We keep them on hand always
Currently our favourite brand
Is Ohio Blue Tip
Though we used to prefer Diamond Brand
That was before we discovered
Ohio Blue Tip matches
They are excellently packaged
Sturdy little boxes
With dark and light blue and white labels
Lettered With words
In the shape of a megaphone
As if to say even louder to the world
Here is the most beautiful match in the world
It's one-and-a-half-inch soft pine stem
Capped by a grainy dark purple head
So sober and furious and stubbornly ready
To burst into flame
Lighting, perhaps the cigarette of the woman you love
For the first time
And it was never really the same after that
All this we will give you
That is what you gave me
I become the cigarette and you the match
Or I the match and you the cigarette
Blazing with kisses that open display of the films towards heaven
Quote Explanation: The poem "Love Poem" contemporary American poet Ron Padgett (Ron Padgett) written specifically for the film.
№ 280195   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:25
Nothing was thought of. I just listened to the music and all.
№ 265378   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 10:36
It would be necessary, of course, to the village to go and see what's there. But don't want to go to the village. And still want to sit at the bus stop. And then go back to the station and sit in the station on a bench. Well after a quiet spring evening to sit on the train platform on the bench, especially if the station is small and quiet, and trains are rare and small, just sitting, enjoying the silence and train your own concentrated daze.
№ 264516   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 10:09
Sometimes to find peace, you need to immerse yourself in the memories.
1 Season 16 Series
№ 251150   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 11:10
The rich and noble people confusion in the soul more than the poor and despised. Relatives are jealous more than others. If you do not oppose this tranquility of the heart and the balance of the spirit, it will not survive the day without the mental anguish.
№ 242645   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 17:31
Only there can obresti infant rest:
Under the head of the earth - the whole world over your head.
Quote Explanation: translation of Vitali Simankova
№ 221458   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 11:19
And I thought that freedom, it turns out, is just peace and tranquility.
№ 197039   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 19:04