censorship [Theme] Page 3

We have put together two programs about how to save the country through innovation and radical changes. <...> on Monday there was a meeting of the Board of the state planning Commission on the economy of Siberia, to which were invited Aganbegyan. Was made by Baybakov, and half of his speech was devoted to curses against Aganbegyan, well, partially me. He said that the transfer of this - a completely irresponsible thing, we revealed state secrets, misinformed the Soviet people about the state of our economy, having committed ideological sabotage. The result was organized by two commissions: one from the KGB - on the issue of disclosure of state secrets, and the second side of the Central Committee - an ideological error on the Central television. Come these commissions, and they present a full transcript of the transfer with the visa and seal of the state planning Committee! Right hand does not know what the left is doing! And nobody demanded from us with this visa, I just had a happy Epiphany. The investigation began commissions. <...> When it was necessary to draw a line under the investigation of commissions, us - me-Nikolaev - was summoned to the Chairman of the radio and television Vladimir Ivanovich Popov. I knew him, we played tennis. We came to his office, and he was us talk like the boys who burned fizkabinet, broke the window and did something completely inappropriate. "You irresponsible! The country is in such a position! Why are you getting into the economy? Tell better about your galaxy and dandelions". <...> When we went to exit via the huge Cabinet with double doors he went out to escort us, do not understand this courtesy. And when I was walking out of the room, the priests patted me on the shoulder and said, "you Know, Sergey, you did the right thing". Then it was incomprehensible, was in power Chernenko.
№ 307830   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2017 / 18:04
I am often asked whether we have censorship. And was was not. I've already told you how they were arranged censorship in Galilee. Now, that's exactly what happened with us. The show was kind of a sworn statement that the materials there is nothing contrary to faith and Fatherland and a statement of the special Commission of experts that the transfer satisfies such requirements. These requirements were a fact, and the experts know them in that area, which answered. I remember, for example, that it was impossible to show in the frame of Mature crabs. Because then it was different legislation concerning crawling and floating marine creatures. While crabs swim, they fish, and when they crawl, that's different. And because sexually Mature crabs can crawl and swim, it is unclear what it is and what rules apply to them. I came across this because our underwater film was crabs. When I was invited to work in television, I said, "You know all about Mature crabs, etc., and you have to answer for everything and we will for you to watch." This is the most sensible system, and I have almost never had serious difficulties with censorship, except that one time with the military, when I was talking about boosters, then powerful accelerators were considered as a space weapon. I said, "You broke it, it was impossible to tell about it". "Well, show that it was impossible to speak?" "No, can't, it's a secret." On this we parted. Such were the times.
№ 307829   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2017 / 18:03
I do believe that to hide something by censorship actions is pointless: people will still learn, but the "telephone" often leads to false notions about the world, and having direct access to the materials, you much better understand what is happening.
№ 307802   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2017 / 09:03
Every freedom has a boundary to not move. And every intelligent man feels it, because he has a "internal censor".
№ 294936   Added MegaMozg 22-07-2017 / 15:09
No civilized nation in the world should be censored. If the government harms freedom, if the state promises the danger of criticism of the regime in the mouth of an ordinary worker, it is not a state, and the slave plantation. God forbid some slave in the box to shout how tired he was. The other servants will support it, they're gonna wonder what kind of hell they live in and the riot. Slave owners would hang and will be a new mode.
№ 292561   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2017 / 21:12
Screeming speaker box:
"We will deprive you of your own opinions!
We'll say, will show
Everything you need to know:
Whom to work, whom to pray,
For someone to put a cross on the ballot papers
Who f#atsya and something to be proud of,
And when the war!"
№ 290277   Added MegaMozg 12-06-2017 / 13:41
[Freedom of speech] is not and can not be, because each considers freedom the right to say what you want, and not hear what does not agree. The absence of one of these rights is perceived as censorship.
№ 282154   Added MegaMozg 05-04-2017 / 07:37
These assaults on the arts, theater in particular. These completely lawless, extremist, arrogant, aggressive, hiding behind words about morality, about morality, and all sorts of, so to speak, good and high with the words: "patriotism", "homeland" and "high morals" - these groups allegedly offended people who are close plays, close the show, very arrogantly behaving that strangely neutral power, distanciruemsa. I think that is an outrageous infringement on the freedom of creativity, the ban on censorship. And the prohibition of censorship - I think this is the greatest event of the age-old values in our life, in the artistic, the spiritual life of our country. <...> ... we are talking with our bosses directly in this lexicon Stalin, including Stalin's policies they just don't believe this! Say the authorities, my supervisors, Mr Aristarkhov talking so. <...> We sit and listen to it. <...> But it is bad. The important thing is that there is such a nasty manner - rivet and Snitch on each other. I think this is now unacceptable! Solidarity prevailed, as my dad taught, obliges each of us, the theater artist Lee, Director Li, is not to speak to the media badly about each other. <...> A creative disagreement, resentment is normal. But when we fill these Newspapers and magazines, and the television is on hand just to our enemies, that is, those who want to bend the art to the interests of the government.
Quote Explanation: Konstantin Raikin, as he puts it, "ran", the Deputy Minister of culture Vladimir Aristarkhov, then, at the Congress of theatrical figures of Russia has sounded this emotional performance. (24 October 2016.)
№ 275401   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2017 / 21:28
For most of my life I dreamed that censorship was not, and now I am absolutely sincere when I say that censorship should be. Censorship at the level of culture, morality...
Quote Explanation: Speaking of excessive passion media "fried" the news
№ 263540   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 09:35
To censor art is to reverse the evolution. Censorship, as a native political phenomenon, penetrating in the art kills the artist. Because the artist is the person with the gift to see the light before others. The artist is a conductor leading to the light the rest of humanity. Attempt to restrict the artist is tantamount to his murder. The Creator must create, and create as he desires. The viewer can enjoy the creation. Or not enjoy. To go to the play. Or not to go. To watch the movie. Or not to watch. To read the book. Or not to read. Censorship is meaningless in a society that calls itself civilized.
№ 263371   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 21:59
Oddly enough, the lack of absolute freedom and censorship, create favorable conditions for the artist. A person has stronger muscles, you must pull of the earth. Astronauts, deprived of flight in earth's gravity, lose calcium, they can't play sports. You need to give the muscles a load to lift weights. Censorship helps the artist to build muscles. He knows what he wants to say something can not speak, and finds a way somehow to Express it. The situation itself forced to work imagination. And when everything is permitted, invent what you want, push this way and that imagination, still nobody cares about anything. Is it really for the flourishing of sacred art necessarily need adverse conditions? Paradoxical situation.
№ 246821   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 20:30
Someone with considerable power, slammed the publication of a heavy fist of censorship.
Somebody high in authority had clamped down upon them with the heavy hand of censorship.
Quote Explanation: Translated By A. Zakharenkova, 1991
№ 227297   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:33
His poetry was irritated by the literary authorities that were neither Soviet nor anti-Soviet.
№ 223156   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 12:26
The struggle against censorship, whatever it was and whatever power it may exist, my writer's duty, as well as calls for freedom of the press. I am an ardent fan of the freedom and believe that if someone from the writers planned to prove that he didn't need it, it would resemble a fish, publicly says that she doesn't need water.
Quote Explanation: From the letter to the Soviet government, 28 March 1930
№ 218499   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 22:51
We [in the country] of the censors twice more, than writers.
119 Series
№ 217155   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 22:05