Category: life quotes. Page 2510

He once said, "Happiness," and I suddenly realized what it was. The word I so many years throwing partners and receive back like a ping-pong ball, - a light, white, dry pounding the floor, this ain't it. But the sun and purple lightning, Yes.
№ 26302   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:52
Too often, she said "no" in those cases where I would like to say "Yes". Too firmly, they decided to risk only what you can take control - that even though her novels, for example. Now she was standing before the unknown -so unknown that it was the sea for those who first went on it in the swimming: she remembered school history lessons. Of course, you can say "no" this time, but would not it be to the end blame yourself, after that story with the boy who asked whether she had a spare Pen and disappeared with the first love? You can say no, but why not try at this time to say "Yes"?!
№ 26182   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:46
In the meantime, Prince charming was not, could only dream of.
№ 26180   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:46
After all, we know how to be silent when enjoying days of our lives? Each of us absorbs a piece of happiness alone, and his grief, a tiny scratch of the heart we take to the street, show to all, and cry, and cry about our pain to the whole world! We throw out of our homes our leftovers and poison their air of the city... so do we throw out of our souls all the mean and hard under the feet of others.
№ 26169   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:46
And even if the rain is going to ask me, I don't pay. Keep your tears. No longer shall mourn past losses. Won't scroll once read the page. Too much honor for them. Now with the past I'm cynical selfish. Henceforth devote myself to the present.
№ 26168   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:45
The hardest thing to lose unfulfilled.
№ 26166   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:45
Surviving, defeating in the big city, she gets infected by the virus of indifference, without my noticing. It is difficult to keep the warmth in itself, where to be cool... easier and more convenient.
№ 26163   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:45
Really bad fit with the dreams...
№ 26152   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:45
In every human life there are critical moments when it fluctuates between strict observance of justice and duty, and the temptation of happiness, which, it seems, can be achieved, just not do as it should.
№ 26139   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:44
- God forbid to live in such a place!
- The manicured lawns! "How you doing, honey?". I'd gone crazy...
1 Season 8 Series
№ 26075   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:41
The abandoned woman is worse than a mad cat.
2 Season 4 Series
№ 26071   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:41
And so I don't let Cameron buy a cat.
Quote Explanation: Chase, removing hair ball from the stomach of the patient during surgery
5 Season 3 Series
№ 26041   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:39
Ignored the only two things that matter and that want didn't matter. And second it never does.
Quote Explanation: on the relations of house and Wilson
5 Season 2 Series
№ 26038   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:39
In my opinion, what's right for one may be wrong for another. I myself most wanted to be left alone, but I found that it is a rare case; other people if I left them alone, thought me unresponsive, indifferent, selfish.
№ 25943   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:35
Our memory is a terribly strange thing. Such a huge Cabinet full of anything. Superfluous knowledge, useless information, delusional thoughts score this wardrobe from top to bottom. And something really important to unearth, though burst...
№ 25926   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 06:34