Proverbs. Page 2

Happy marriage, as understood by me;
When snug in the house
Husband OK with wife
Not thinking about will.
And as a happy wife.
Left husband does not go.
Does she
Dreams about freedom.
Sage, I agree.
You shouldn't have come.
After all, the best happiness - not dreamed!
Each other - fine!
Very cosy in the house - that's right!
Want that people.
And that there is no freedom in dreams,
Let the next will not!
But the marriage is happy for you to call
And to make dreams come true,
When b, then the benefit of keep -
Free you was!
№ 381439   Added Viker 30-10-2019 / 09:08
As the light went on Talent. Many wanted to befriend him.
The mind said:
- Talent, let's live together. Will you help me talent to apply mind.
Folly offered:
Talent, come here to live. See you around, people will not laugh at me.
Wealth is begged:
Talent, with your help, I will get richer.
Poverty requested:
- Talent, help me to endure hardship.
But the Talent was looking for a special friend who would help him become better and to serve people.
- Look for another until you find. If you want to achieve something, you need to persevere to the goal, despite everything - said the Perseverance Talent.
- I need a friend! exclaimed Talent. Without Perseverance Talent is a barren any.
№ 377426   Added MegaMozg 30-08-2019 / 00:30
One elderly woman in China was two jugs, with whom she went every day in the water. Picking up the pitcher, she hung them on the rocker, but brought home only one and a half. One pitcher was a small crack and half of water on the way home from it poured.
The sprayer was very pleased with himself and a jug of crack constantly ashamed of his weakness. He was very sorry for the elderly woman who often was forced to walk on the water, so he once told her:
- I'm sorry that I derived half of water until you go home. There's nothing I can do about it.
But the wise old woman only smiled.
And if you noticed that your side of the road I planted beautiful flowers, and on the other hand not? With your help, I watered them every day. And every day they delight my eyes and soul and decorate my house. If not for you, all this beauty wouldn't exist. All this because of you.
№ 377425   Added MegaMozg 30-08-2019 / 00:28
To the great Shah suddenly ran to his favourite vizier, and begged him to go to Bukhara. The Shah was surprised and demanded an explanation. Oh, my Shah! I just walked through your garden and met Death! She looked at me without stopping and I was scared. Let go, I'll be gone and Death will not find me. The Shah, of course, agreed. But being a brave man, he decided to talk himself to Death and went to the garden. There he walked up to her and asked why she was scared of the vizier? - I? Oh no, I was just surprised! was the answer, Just can't figure out why he was here, if I have an appointment with him tonight meeting in Bukhara?
№ 376507   Added MegaMozg 16-08-2019 / 22:11
One young man came to Yang Chu and said: - My parents want me to succeed in life. Should I submit to the will of the parents? Yang Chu answered: - let's assume that you lived to old age. A quarter of your life as your childhood, when you were too young to achieve success. And I have to spend another quarter of their lives in old age, when you are not strong enough to succeed. A third of your life you spend sleeping when you're not doing anything. When you awake, we have to spend time for rest and food. Sometimes you get sick. Therefore, the source of the article journal in which all articles steal - success has very little time. - Maybe I should chase pleasures? To eat tasty food, wear silk, surround yourself with beautiful women? - Then you'll be all the time look for sources of income, and the fun you'll have very little time. So I have win high reputation? If you're chasing after reputation, it becomes a slave to those people the respect which they want to achieve. You're going to do what they want to see. - What I seek? - Your goal is to become aimlessness.
№ 359268   Added MegaMozg 31-01-2019 / 10:07
Once upon a time the old Indian told his grandson one life truth:
Inside each person there is a struggle between two wolves. One wolf is evil: anger, envy, greed, arrogance, pride, self-pity, lies, resentment, selfishness. The other wolf is good: peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, generosity, honesty, compassion, faithfulness.
Little Indian, touched to the core words of his grandfather, for a few seconds thought, and then asked:
- Which wolf will win?
The answer of the old Indian was simple:
- Always wins the wolf that you feed.
№ 359156   Added MegaMozg 30-01-2019 / 02:19
Knocked on the door once in the house one old man, a poor wanderer. The old man received him with love, was invited to stay the night.
- Who are you, poor man?
The beggar replied:
- I'm a man who speaks the truth, so wherever I came, I chased.
The owner was surprised, were treated to a guest dinner. After eating, they went to sleep. This morning got up started to dress. The beggar saw that old man one-eyed, and said in his face: you say, curve.
And then the old man got angry, kicked him out of the house, saying:
- You don't find a place for himself and became the hated one, for not telling the truth to people, and remind people of their shortcomings.
It is said without love, the truth seems like an insult.
№ 350043   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2018 / 17:04
When the Rabbi of Berdichev asked what is the correct way - the way of grief or way of joy, he said:
- There are two kinds of sorrow and two kinds of joy. If the man withdraws into the shell happened to him misfortune and it leaves hope, is the worst kind of sorrow, which said: "the Divine Presence is not liberated in the place of discouragement." The other kind of sorrow is the noble sorrow of a man who understands what he has lost.
In the same way and with true joy. The one who neglects his inner essence and among the empty pleasures of not feeling it and not trying to regain what it has lost, - such a man is a fool. But truly joyful is like a man whose house burned down, but he feels a deep inner need, is building a new house. Every stone which he puts in the walls of a new home, his joy increases.
№ 350041   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2018 / 17:02
The Governor of the city ordered the arrest of Buzurgmehr and thrown in jail. Pupils came to visit his teacher in prison. They were amazed to see that their teacher hasn't changed and joyfully welcomes them as if they were guests in his home.
- Teacher, what is your comfort here in the house of sorrow? cried the disciples.
Four sayings, replied Buzurgmehr. - Here is the first: "Evil no one can escape, because everything is predetermined by fate." Here's the second: "What remains to do in misfortune, not patiently endure his suffering? After all, the whole Universe, not only are you experiencing something like that." Here is the third: "Be grateful for the fact that it wasn't the worst - it is always possible." And finally, I say to myself: "Deliverance may be near, though you do not know about it."
At this moment the guards came with the news that Sufi free, for grabbed it by mistake.
№ 350040   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2018 / 16:12
Rabbi, I don't understand: come to the poor man - he is friendly and helps as best he can. Come to the rich man - he sees no one. Is it only for the money?
- Look out the window. What do you see?
- A woman with a child, the wagon, riding on the market...
Okay. Now look in the mirror. What do you see?
Well, I can see down there? Only himself.
- So: window glass and mirror glass. One need only add a bit of silver - and already see myself.
№ 345972   Added MegaMozg 05-10-2018 / 23:09
Three people from Turkestan were followers boastful ignoramuses who spoke some Farsi. They called his disciples, he taught them three words. Each of them remembered one thing: "we", "were not" and "happy."
As soon as they received this knowledge, nothing could keep them from starting a journey to visit the Holy Shrine, the repository of all wisdom.
However, only just set foot on the land of Khorasan, they saw a dead man lying on the ground. They had dismounted to examine this strange sight, and while they stood and watched, he saw several of Khorasani, who asked:
- Who killed this man?
- We, - said the first student, using a single Persian word, he knew.
They grabbed and dragged to court. The judge asked:
- Why were you near the corpse?
The second disciple said,
- We were not.
- It's a lie, ' said the judge.
Then he asked:
- How do you feel when you kill someone?
Happy, ' said the third disciple.
These people must be just monster! - exclaimed horasanli.
The judge asked:
- What pushed you over the edge?
All three of them screamed, using all known the Persian word:
We were not happy!
- They certainly incorrigible murderers, ' said the judge, sentencing them to be hanged.
№ 345968   Added MegaMozg 05-10-2018 / 23:05
A rich man asked Senga to write something to the prosperity of his family continued from generation to generation.
Sengai took a large sheet of paper and wrote:
"The father died, the son died, the grandson is dead."
The rich man was angry:
- I asked you to write something for the happiness of my family. Why are you joking?
- I'm not going to joke, explained Sengai.
If your son dies before you, you is greatly disappoint you.
If your grandson dies before the son, it will break your heart.
If in your family from generation to generation will die in the order in which I wrote, that would be the natural course of life.
I call that true prosperity.
№ 345478   Added MegaMozg 02-10-2018 / 01:11
Whenever a guru and his disciples began to pray in the Ashram was part of the cat and distract them. In the end, the guru told the disciples to tie the cat for a moment of prayer.
After some time guru died, but the cat is out of habit continued to tie. Then became a cat, and then in the Ashram made a new, which also were tied at prayer time. After centuries, some followers of the guru was written scientific works. They stated that tying is an exact fulfillment of the instructions of guru and has a special importance in the administration of worship.
№ 330052   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2018 / 22:14
One Raja loved to hear how astrologers read the stars of destiny. And when in the capital of his state arrived very famous astrologer, he ordered them to bring him to his Palace. They talked, and then Stargazer began to draw up the horoscope of Raja. Unfortunately, the stars did not promise anything good ruler. Stargazer honestly in this Raj, and he, in anger, without thinking twice ordered the execution of the unfortunate predictor.
- Everyone on this earth will be calm, ' cried the Raja, if people like you will be on it as little as possible! You will die, so get ready for it!
Butchers have already started your preparation, when the order came again allow the astrologer to the Palace. Raja wanted more time to test it.
- Can you define, ' he said mockingly, - how many do you have left to live?
"If I tell him that will live for many more years, he probably only supposed to speed up the execution to show that my predictions are worth nothing," thought the astrologer, and said aloud:
- O Lord, I see by the stars that my death will come only a week earlier. Now it's time to say goodbye, but soon we will meet in another world. Sir, so I can adequately prepare for our meeting, tell them to send me there as quickly as possible!
- Kick this charlatan out of my house! - the Raja was furious after hearing the words of the astrologer. - Continue to keep it not only to the Palace, but also to the city!
Guards grabbed astrologer and roughly threw him from the steps of the Palace of Raja. But the astrologer of this does not upset. "There would be a whole head - and then the trouble is not terrible," he thought, and went his way.
№ 330040   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2018 / 22:02
One boy came back from the woods home and said:
I saw a two-headed snake.
- Woe to you! - cried the terrified mother. - Woe to you! Know that seeing a two-headed snake will be forever miserable!
Hearing this, the boy began to cry.
His father sighed and said:
Go tell the residents of the surrounding villages, so they did not go into the woods. Otherwise, they will see a two-headed snake and will also be unhappy.
- No one else will see the double-headed snake, said through tears boy. - I killed her...
Again the mother began to cry:
- Others you have saved from disaster, and himself condemned to life in misery!..
- Do not fear for our son, - said suddenly fun father. He killed a two-headed creature and, therefore, saved from disaster a lot of people. In a difficult hour he will remember how many people owe him their happiness. Then my own sorrow seems our son is miserable. Because it is known since ancient times: who brings happiness to others, he is happy himself.
№ 330028   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2018 / 21:08