Author of quotes: ilkrbs

You have to be yourself, no matter what! Yes, in a world of duplicity, lies and photoshop, it's certainly difficult. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Know your Self. You should not hide your individuality. Do not limit yourself in anything, do not prove anything to anyone, ever. And remember, we all get older. And to hell with all this whining, life is too short. There is nothing we can do but: show the middle finger and shout loudly: I
№ 437187   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2022 / 18:09
it is better to live one day, because our expectations are not justified. Anything happens in life, that's what life is for. There is nothing worse than a meaningless life.
№ 437186   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2022 / 18:06
I will become a person who is not ashamed to look at his reflection in the mirror. I will definitely find my place in this world. A place of freedom, inspiration, mutual love and strength. 'Cause I want to taste love and pain experience a feeling of delight and despair; and never look back and say: Here
№ 437185   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2022 / 18:03
In the first place you need to put your own I, and then everything else - this was the second lesson. Do not be ashamed to voice your desires. Being attractive is not a problem. Being sexy is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. In no case should you reproach and suppress your individuality and yourself!
№ 437184   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2022 / 18:00
From adolescence, it is important to be able to analyze, stand up for yourself and your interests - there is no other way
№ 437183   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2022 / 17:57