Author of quotes: Boris Sokolov

Woland's visit and the master's brilliant novel about Yeshua and Pilate did not change anything in modern Moscow.
№ 447712   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:44
Bulgakov the ancient part of the Master
№ 447711   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:44
The priests tried to present Jesus to the Roman procurator as a politically unreliable person and sought to prove that politically dangerous moments were the popularity that Jesus enjoyed among the people, the attention with which the people listened to Jesus' preaching.
№ 447710   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:44
The etymology of this name (Golgotha) is a Bald Skull"
№ 447709   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:43
France does not believe in scientific history. History reproduces the events of the past. But what is an event? Outstanding fact. Who decides whether such and such a fact is outstanding or not? The historian decides, decides arbitrarily, according to his own taste. Moreover, the fact is always very complicated. Does the historian portray it in all its true complexity? It's impossible.
№ 447708   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:43
Christians at their meetings prayed for the emperor and asked their God to grant him a long life, authority recognized by all, a friendly family, a brave army, a faithful senate and honest subjects.
№ 447707   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:43
You can vouch for only one thing in the world - for the power of the great Caesar.
№ 447706   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:43
The Roman religion not only does not encourage piety, but one can even say that it is negative. The Roman people was created for action; daydreaming, mystical contemplation were alien and suspicious to him. He most of all honors calmness, order and accuracy; everything excites and confuses the soul, he does not like it.
№ 447705   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:43
According to Indian legends, Jesus Christ escaped death on the cross, and then retired to India, where he died at a ripe old age.
№ 447704   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:43
Prophets are ignorant dreamers and liars.
№ 447703   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:43
All the names of the actors, as well as all the names and events mentioned, are collected from various, but only scientific sources, therefore, in a certain sense, they are reliable.
Quote Explanation: About the Master's novel in the novel "The Master and Margarita"
№ 447702   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:42
In our conscience there is an unconditional demand for a moral law, which we ourselves do not create and which does not arise from the mutual agreement of people, in the form of social welfare.
Quote Explanation: section "Christianity"
№ 447701   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:42
It is only to evil and suffering that we owe the fact that our earth can be inhabited, and life is worth living. So don't complain about the devil. He created at least half of the universe. And this half merges so closely with the other that if the first is touched, the blow will cause equal harm to the other. With every vice eradicated, the corresponding virtue also disappears.
Quote Explanation: Section "Woland"
№ 447700   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:42
Evil is necessary. If it did not exist, then there would be no good. Evil is the only reason for the existence of good. Without death there would be no courage, without suffering there would be no compassion.
№ 447699   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:42