the senselessness [Theme] Page 5

Life is meaningless, and the meaning of lifeless...
№ 364929   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2019 / 17:20
- What do I do?
- Nothing...
- You know, if I had the rest of my life to live something new. Would to Wake up one morning and suddenly feel that you started to live a new life. That all the past is forgotten. Start again... Tell me how to start... where to start? Tell me!
- Uh, well, you! What new life there. Our position, yours and mine, hopelessly.
- Suppose I live to be sixty, that is thirteen. A lot! As I live these thirty years?
№ 358490   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2019 / 16:04
A more thorough study of common sense may prove to be sheer nonsense.
№ 357591   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2019 / 22:34
You say how bad in hell. But they continue to dance with the devil.
№ 354534   Added MegaMozg 29-12-2018 / 16:07
- What are you doing to own the stars?
- To be rich.
- What to be rich?
- To buy more stars, if any are open.
"He says, almost like he is drunk," thought the Little Prince.
№ 347678   Added MegaMozg 24-10-2018 / 02:07
Pointless questions usually involve sarcasm, which the people I know, meet sarcasm.
Nonsensical questions usually imply sarcasm, which I've found people often answer sarcastically.
1 Season 5 Series
№ 347636   Added MegaMozg 23-10-2018 / 19:03
Meaninglessness is always relevant.
№ 339820   Added MegaMozg 22-08-2018 / 19:32
Two forces are gaining strength under the influence of intelligence and sophistication doesn't make sense.
Hence the conclusion: it is impossible to prevent the birth of the hybrid - sophisticated nonsense.
№ 337965   Added MegaMozg 14-08-2018 / 07:02
When will the cycle of mistakes and errors, inside of which committed acts, to hold any position becomes almost impossible. For the whole - for approval or even denial - we need a drop of stupidity.
№ 335744   Added MegaMozg 29-07-2018 / 20:08
Collect meanings like a raspberry from the Bush.
Notes life read like sight-reading.
Rhythm clear, tact is flowing the beat,
To stay? To catch your breath? No way.
Running in a circle... People doubt and darkness.
The light of love, from the soul - words, words...
And from my heart softer and softer knock.
I'm going to the light. I fly towards the sound.
In the heart of the pain and fear day and night knock.
I would freeze. I would have to remain silent.
But words don't ask me
is there power if there's enough of fire.
From the soul, backhand, through and through, in the face
a firework of feelings, of emotions, of words...
I'd trade all of the text easily
in only one sense - his love.
№ 331616   Added MegaMozg 04-07-2018 / 01:12
How an invisible man can be more lonely I don't know. <...> Your stories have always seemed pointless.
№ 327823   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2018 / 15:07
To deal with people's misconceptions - it is absolutely meaningless.
№ 327052   Added MegaMozg 27-05-2018 / 00:18
- Stanislav, and how to still live with a sense of meaninglessness of what is happening?
I should ask you.
- I?
Yes, you have. Art... unfortunately, the physics on this account does not give answers.
№ 325607   Added Viker 14-05-2018 / 08:54
Squeeze the handle hot.
Draw a sword, but I do not remember what for a long time.
But there are no princesses or treasures
And he does not resemble a monster.
Was watching me like a fool.
Quietly sat down and shook his head sadly dragon.
And he views all hinted about
That and I need to take armor into scrap metal.
№ 324598   Added MegaMozg 29-04-2018 / 08:36
And it makes no sense as such.
It is not clear for whom
Whether I, whether we keep the defense,
But I have not time for the dragon.
And to fight for what?
Since neither princesses nor monster.
And we don't know how to live differently,
But I have not time for the dragon.
№ 324597   Added MegaMozg 29-04-2018 / 08:35