life path [Theme] Page 11

Not all people are made for each other.
№ 382472   Added MegaMozg 13-11-2019 / 15:24
My friend is faithful, in the hour of trouble,
in the hour of meditation on the fate
all my ways, roads
will lead me to you,
all my ways, roads
agreed on your doorstep...
№ 381976   Added MegaMozg 06-11-2019 / 14:26
- Polar is not the brightest star in the sky.
- And what?
Sirius, the dog star. Good enough... After all, your star found in the battle for the dog.
2 Season 4 Series
№ 381713   Added MegaMozg 02-11-2019 / 13:54
Life showed itself, breaking at every step young illusions and happy beliefs.
№ 381658   Added MegaMozg 02-11-2019 / 12:04
All around was the right to build, to choose, to escape. Alas, he missed the outside world.
№ 381404   Added Viker 30-10-2019 / 08:56
Life is like a marathon that you can run in any style, as long as you mentioned at the designated points.
№ 381373   Added MegaMozg 29-10-2019 / 21:24
Many say that they are not satisfied with life, relationships, personal and professional, but how to change the situation, no one knows, because of this, as always, no time to think. Need to finish roasting the chicken and fall face in a pillow to Wake up tomorrow in exactly the same Groundhog day.
№ 379655   Added MegaMozg 01-10-2019 / 09:58
I see the woman you're becoming, and I want you to keep doing your choice has found its way. And I was walking on a tight rope, between what felt right and what needed to be done, even when you know that this is a mistake. It was a free fall that I finally woke up, you had to choose a different direction, was the understanding that I will pull all of those whom I love and want to protect. People who have the right to choose their own fate and future.
Quote Explanation: Letter to his daughter.
3 Season 10 Series
№ 379083   Added MegaMozg 23-09-2019 / 17:37
Go any way you choose. If you want one, and if you want to - in the company. Companions can go with you more or less of the way. But no matter were you are alone or in a crowd, in the end you still have to learn what everyone should know. But only then it will be too late to change anything, it will be too late for anything but regret. Therefore, learn now. No matter how much in the world of a variety of ways, but no one has yet managed to live more than one life, and one way or another, whatever life people choose, most of the time he lives alone.
№ 378494   Added MegaMozg 15-09-2019 / 11:03
You play as a man who did not choose. Characteristics are laid at birth, is not known for what reason you get something strong and something weak character. Or weak in all respects of character, there could be as lucky. The game itself is uninteresting, but you instinctively try to pass the levels, climb the stairs, it is advisable to complete the game, then at the end you will have nothing to do if you become King of the Cards. Perhaps it's even worse the game itself, but there's only one way to find out. And you're trying to find out.
But you can go in the wrong direction, it will seem that you are halfway to victory, after so much boredom and stupidity you've endured, so much nonsense digested nowhere. But suddenly, your eye catches a piece of the texture from the first level. And you realize that maybe you're trapped. That maybe you're still in the very beginning.
You never know where the boundaries of the first level, where the boundaries of the second level, third and so on. This is one of the main problems is to understand at what point you're at.
№ 377986   Added MegaMozg 07-09-2019 / 23:48
Just when life runs so fast, when we change so quickly, it's hard to apologize for the actions of someone that no longer exists. I look around, look at the guy he was before, and see that he is no more. I find it hard to understand what motives he was guided, that inspired him to do what he did.
№ 377833   Added Viker 05-09-2019 / 10:54 is damn short. The death of ray's mom taught me: nobody knows how much is still left. When thinking about it, I realize that time should be spent on people, the ones you love, to do what is in the soul, not to engage in foolishness just because of the fact that the way to rake in a little extra cash.
№ 377828   Added Viker 05-09-2019 / 10:54
Don't you think that life is not linear, and like jerks?
№ 377825   Added Viker 05-09-2019 / 10:53
Where does your path not as important as where it ends.
№ 377697   Added MegaMozg 04-09-2019 / 02:36
Most people don't learn anything in his path. And if they succeed in something to enter, they tend to forget learned, when it is more profitable. Most, even after a second chance, successfully pokrivaet it. This is one of the fundamental laws of the universe, and there is nothing you will do about it. People, I have noticed it myself, manage to almost anything not to kick in and for the third time already spent wasted an enormous amount of time, money, energy and most of his youth, and everything else - you can list. And still they learn something that in the end just fine.
№ 377407   Added MegaMozg 29-08-2019 / 13:04