envy [Theme] Page 41

Nijo castle in Kyoto - it was built by the shogun, not because the shogun lived or intended to live in Kyoto. In Kyoto, the Emperor, exactly opposite zagonskega new Palace, and was very jealous. This is the whole goal.
№ 58076   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 13:26
Coquette pretending to be jealous of their lovers, wanting to hide the fact that they are just jealous of other women.
№ 56007   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 11:53
I'm jealous of her - between the roots,
a poor prisoner of heaven and hell.
Oh, if I were as rich
that I the beauty of the remaining days?
But I also know what the payback is
for destiny to be me and her.
Quote Explanation: Dedicated To Anna Akhmatova.
№ 55949   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 11:51
Learn to ignore people You don't like. Because people who don't like You, are of two types: either fools or envious. Fools in a year You will love, and the envious will die, never knowing the secret of Your superiority over them.
№ 55697   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 11:40
Jealousy comes only when we begin to compare ourselves with someone.
№ 55265   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 11:23
But it is not clear whether bliss and envy is the numerator and denominator of the fraction called happiness.
№ 54939   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 10:27
To be in a good mood - causing flour to your envious.
(The best way to torture his enemies to be always in a good mood.)
№ 53946   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 09:46
If you look closely at the faces of her friends, you will see that right behind their smiles hid some envy, and then you will understand how they are jealous of your well kept home, your amazing recipes and your taste for beautiful things. But to see the envy, you need to try very well, because good friends will always try to conceal it.
№ 52077   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 08:30
Three things destroy man. Fear destroys the mind, envy destroys the heart and doubts of the soul.'
№ 51385   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 08:03
Powerless enemy is our best friend; envious friend - the worst of our enemies.
№ 51132   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 07:53
If you understand what is going on in the hearts of successful people, you will stop to envy them.
№ 50924   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 07:44
There are many obstacles to happiness, but three of them major - fear, envy and guilt.
№ 50879   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 07:42
Want to get rid of envy - don't look at those above you, and compare yourself with them.
№ 50876   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 07:42
Do not envy the glory of the sinner, for they do not know what will be the end of it.
№ 50562   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 00:20
We live in strange times; war has shifted to the new space. Battlefield steel media, and in this new conflict, it is difficult to separate Good from Evil. It is difficult to understand who is good and who is evil: it is necessary to switch to another channel, and enemies change places. TV brings the world of envy.
№ 50441   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 00:15