Book: Prophets and poets. Page 34

Before I was amused by ambitious projects, intrigues and political clashes, now they seem to me to be an empty, fleeting vision.
№ 426907   Added MegaMozg 01-09-2021 / 13:18
Everything in the world is plural, intelligence is different for everyone, perfection requires the presence of inequality that ensures all stages of perfection.
№ 426878   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 14:18
Everything that is accidental has its own necessity.
№ 426876   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 14:12
Great correctness and improvement in a multifaceted harmonic whole is astonishing, and even the ordinary mind is never able to recognize their existence without admitting some reasonable culprit of the world.
№ 426875   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 14:09
Everything that moves is set in motion by something; as we ascend from effect to cause, we will sooner or later come to the root cause, that everything moves by being motionless. It's God.
№ 426874   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 14:06
In science, before believing, one must know, in religious matters that transcend reason, one must first believe.
№ 426873   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 14:03
Only youth knows everything, maturity already suspects everything, old age simply believes in everything.
№ 426872   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 14:00
Let's not primitivize God in our own image and likeness! For - and this is realized even by simple religions - God is not just high, inaccessible or incommensurable with the world, but is otherworldly: consciousness, intellect, intuition are too weak tools to cross the line where the laws of the universe cease to be the rulers of order and become only weak reflections of the divine world.
№ 426871   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 13:54
Today there is no former confidence in the progressiveness of the Enlightenment and the correctness of the path chosen by his fathers. On the contrary, it is increasingly seen traces of the crisis of thinking.
№ 426839   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:15
The thought of the Middle Ages was never stunted, decadent, retrograde. If something strikes in her, then - power, diversity, ideological courage, richness of shades. And the motto of the philosophy of the Middle Ages is surprisingly modern: “to know to believe, to believe in order to know.
№ 426838   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:15
Our religion is a religion of worship of chiefs, party, gang, pack. By the way, a convenient invention. Convenient, profitable, reliable: bowed - immediately get. Complicity is a privilege. Faithful - circular responsibility... Wrong - punishment doesn't wait either. Isn't that why "God is dead" to "Gulag archipelago" is one step?..
№ 426552   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 10:55
Our minds have bent so strongly in favor of logically provable theorems and demonstrable phenomena that we have lost the ability to perceive metaphysical truths.
№ 426551   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 10:54
Our misfortune lies precisely in the fact that our era has become nothing more than a time that is impatient, that does not want to hear anything about eternity, that longs to turn the eternal into superfluous, which, however, has not been possible for ever and ever.
№ 426549   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 10:54
Rational truth is not beautiful. In addition, she is always ready to justify the world: violence, cruelty, injustice, lack of mercy. God is the compensation for the rationalistic horrors of the world.
№ 426548   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 10:54
Today, when we are talking about perestroika, glasnost and freedom, I still feel only fear - for myself and for those who believed in the possibility of freethinking in the era of fanatical zeal of the leaders and masses.
№ 426547   Added MegaMozg 31-08-2021 / 10:54