Book: Chess strategy textbook

When victory is in your hands, you should always prefer simple and clear paths. If possible, disarm your opponent so he can't shoot you in the back.
№ 447052   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 16:21
It is not necessary to gamble. Get your way by calm and reliable means.
№ 447051   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 16:18
No matter how great your static advantage is, first of all it is necessary to neutralize all the opponent's plans and only then proceed to implement your own.
№ 447050   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 16:15
When you are close to winning a game, it is quite common to want to finish it quickly. As soon as the opponent makes a move, you answer immediately. This lack of patience has led many would-be winners down the road to oblivion. A second of inattention - and you fall into a hidden trap.
№ 447049   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 16:12
It rarely happens that the opponent, due to the weakness of his position, is so upset that he folds his hands and allows you to finish him off. It's more than likely that the guy sitting opposite you will start his own aggressive move, trying to find at least some counterplay. In this case, you need to remain calm, not overreact and follow this strategy: try to find the exact balance between protection and the continuation of your own plans.
№ 447047   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 16:06
You often have to play by luck - to make moves whose merit will be revealed only if the opponent makes a mistake. In chess, this tactic is known as playing on a miss.
№ 447046   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 16:03
You should find a goal and build a plan to achieve it. The goal will show where to focus efforts, while the plan will tell you what needs to be done.
№ 447045   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 16:00
The purpose of the strategy is to gain an advantage. Proudly possessing a chess advantage simply means that there are positive features in your position that your opponent's position does not. Believe only those features of the position that will be inherent in it for a long time.
№ 447044   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 15:57
Strategy is the purposeful achievement of a set goal: to gain an advantage of any kind in the fight against your opponent. We say no to moves that have no purpose.
№ 447043   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 15:54
Strategy requires thought; tactics require observation.
№ 447042   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 15:30
The responsibility lies with the player. For no one else. No apologies will be accepted during the game. It's not another member of the team who didn't take advantage of a great pass or concede a goal. You and only you are responsible for everything.
№ 447041   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 15:27
Chess is a reflection of life, it requires determination in battle and the desire to win. To succeed, you have to be smart. One force is not enough. You must think. And you need to develop the ability to think differently.
№ 447040   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 15:24
Chess is the cornerstone of intelligence.
№ 447039   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 15:21
Things stand the test of time only if they are in demand. Stop for a second and think. What is there in your life that has existed for thousands of years? Tools like spoons. Their shape has changed, and now it has acquired an optimal look. If the need for them disappeared, they would simply disappear.
№ 447038   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 15:18
Since time immemorial, people have played a variety of games. And among them, chess is rightfully considered the Royal Game or the King of Games.
№ 447037   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 15:15