Book: Psychological studies about family life

The parent of a growing child faces a very difficult task. He needs to walk literally along the razor's edge. Where on the one hand there is an abyss of indifference and indifference to the life of one’s child, on the other there is an equally deep and disastrous abyss of overprotection, the desire to make one’s own copy out of a son or daughter, a complete disregard for their opinions and desires.
№ 458655   Added MegaMozg 05-12-2023 / 11:54
In a practical way, psychology has come to exactly what the Church has been teaching for two millennia: a person can change himself only by himself, of his own free will.
№ 458600   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2023 / 02:36
Evil is the darkness that lives in the hearts of people who do not want to let the light of God's love into themselves. But if God forcibly expelled this darkness from the human soul, then people would cease to be people and would turn into pious zombies, into automata, rigidly programmed to be good and obedient to God. And then there could be no talk of any love, because robots cannot love.
№ 458597   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2023 / 02:27
cannot create, which means he is not omnipotent; if he creates, but does not raise, he is still not omnipotent. There is a comprehensive, albeit unexpected answer to this riddle: God not only can create such a stone, but has already created it. This stone is a man.
№ 458596   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2023 / 02:24
The painful experience of loneliness is one of the types of addiction, akin to addiction to alcohol or gambling.
№ 458595   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2023 / 02:21
In one situation it can become the greatest benefit for a person, in another it can become the cause of severe torment and inner emptiness. Some people are not bothered by it in the middle of a deserted desert, others suffer from it while being with their family.
№ 458594   Added MegaMozg 15-11-2023 / 02:18