Author of quotes: Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov

The “information medicine” of the book heals the reader from mental anguish and suffering caused by a lack of understanding of the events taking place in Russia, which have an impact on each of us, whether we want it or not. “The Cure” frees readers from many erroneous views and beliefs that still prevail in our society, relating primarily to philosophy, history, politics, economics, ecology, psychology and much more. In connection with this statement, I recommend that readers always remember the thought expressed by L.N. Tolstoy: “A delusion does not cease to be a delusion just because millions of people are guided by it.”
№ 457636   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:03
This immoral, satanic concept found its expression in the guiding document on the structure of life on Earth - in the Bible, supposedly “sacred” scripture. First of all, this concerns the Old Testament. The dogmas set out there were, according to the authors of the Bible, a guide to fulfillment for millions of people from generation to generation, that is, “forever.” After all, the main core of the Bible, the main idea, boils down to the fact that there is no happiness on Earth, but happiness is in Heaven, in paradise. Therefore, in order to get to heaven, a person must come to terms with the surrounding reality (“all power comes from God”), pray and repent.
№ 457635   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:03
Thus, ancient Egypt became the center of concentration of control over the productive forces of mankind. This center, in the course of the global historical process, migrated over the millennia, apparently, is currently based in the center of Western Europe, in Switzerland. It is for this reason that there are no wars in Switzerland. And even Hitler, who captured the whole of Europe, did not touch Switzerland. Why? Because he understood that his masters were sitting in Switzerland, and he did not dare to raise a hand against them. In addition, it is in Switzerland that all the largest "main" banks in the world are located. But this does not mean that the Swiss government is the center of globalization. Globalization is proceeding according to such a cunning concept of malevolence, in relation to which not a single country, including Switzerland, is independent.
Quote Explanation: Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov "Secrets of managing mankind"
№ 456141   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 15:06
The management of the process of concentration of the productive forces of mankind (globalization) has been carried out steadily for many millennia. Such stability was achieved by dispensing the issuance of managerial knowledge to various social groups, as a result of which a stable crowd-“elitist” social pyramid was formed.
Quote Explanation: Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov "Secrets of managing mankind"
№ 456140   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 15:03
Justice is a person's free access to any information that will allow him to provide himself with everything necessary.
№ 456139   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 15:00
The mob is an irresponsible mass of the people who believe that think it should be only "upstairs": "I - man", "Our business veal", "He's a giraffe! He knows better!".
№ 227753   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 16:00