Author of quotes: Vadim Proskuryn

You don't understand the most important thing - real beauty is always inside, the body is just a wrapper for the soul, the beauty of the body is important when you meet a girl for the first time, but when you already love her, it doesn't really matter. They love not the body, but the soul.
№ 465219   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2024 / 20:21
What is love, if you think about it? Has anyone been able to give a clear definition of love? Many people believe that love is when the happiness of a loved one is placed above one’s own and becomes the goal of one’s whole life. All this is very beautiful and romantic, but the reality is not as simple as romantics would like. It is very difficult to find a person whom you can make happy with impunity, without fear that he will sit on your neck. You give a woman flowers once, twice and a third time, and on the fourth she asks: “Where are the flowers?” and gets offended. You tell her “my money is your money”, she is happy, and then one day you find your wallet empty and she tells you that you don’t earn enough. You promise to devote all your free time only to her, and then Zhenya calls, says that there is an urgent matter, you take off and leave, and she throws a tantrum. Only stupid and inexperienced young men can believe that love is above all else; it is almost impossible to maintain such an opinion for a long time; over time, you inevitably become a cynic.
№ 465066   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2024 / 03:24
It wasn't the computer that deceived you. It was you who tried to deceive him, and when he answered you in kind, you were offended. And there is no point in making excuses that your deception was not so large-scale, deception is always a deception, regardless of what kind of noodles you hang on the ears of your interlocutor - long egg pasta or small curly flyers. It was not he who started this mess, but you.
№ 464803   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:45