Character: Andrew

You don't understand the most important thing - real beauty is always inside, the body is just a wrapper for the soul, the beauty of the body is important when you meet a girl for the first time, but when you already love her, it doesn't really matter. They love not the body, but the soul.
№ 465219   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2024 / 20:21
What is love, if you think about it? Has anyone been able to give a clear definition of love? Many people believe that love is when the happiness of a loved one is placed above one’s own and becomes the goal of one’s whole life. All this is very beautiful and romantic, but the reality is not as simple as romantics would like. It is very difficult to find a person whom you can make happy with impunity, without fear that he will sit on your neck. You give a woman flowers once, twice and a third time, and on the fourth she asks: “Where are the flowers?” and gets offended. You tell her “my money is your money”, she is happy, and then one day you find your wallet empty and she tells you that you don’t earn enough. You promise to devote all your free time only to her, and then Zhenya calls, says that there is an urgent matter, you take off and leave, and she throws a tantrum. Only stupid and inexperienced young men can believe that love is above all else; it is almost impossible to maintain such an opinion for a long time; over time, you inevitably become a cynic.
№ 465066   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2024 / 03:24
Business is business; it lacks such concepts as conscience, gratitude, friendship and loyalty.
№ 462340   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 19:45
In any business, the first rule remains: every man for himself. No agreements are eternal, they exist only until something more profitable looms, you cannot rely on any partner, only on yourself.
№ 462339   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 19:45
The city doesn't want to know about human pain. Does he care about other people's grievances? Will he feel the melancholy of one single heart?
№ 461770   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 11:55
A person who is pure in soul cannot be stained by any of life’s dirt.
№ 461768   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 11:54
He who is able to rise into the sky does not pay attention to the little things.
№ 461766   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 11:54
For man, God is, first of all, not Light, but a way of fulfilling his desires. Many people go to the temple as if they were going to a store - only when they need something.
№ 461765   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 11:54
It never happens in any war, it never happens without civilian casualties.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the history of "Soviet education"
№ 440526   Added MegaMozg 06-06-2022 / 23:00
Sleep, like a downy scarf, enveloped the head ...
№ 440153   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:35
- Pure ivle bone.
- Will it work?
- You're offending me.
№ 422327   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2021 / 13:09
- Serdyuk. Will you remember?
- Serdyuk. It's over.
№ 422324   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2021 / 13:00
- Mayonnaise! I’ll write you a list so I don’t forget.
Quote Explanation: Sends her husband to the shop for mayonnaise.
- Mayonnaise! I’ll write you a list so I don’t forget.
№ 418918   Added MegaMozg 11-05-2021 / 13:03
Everyone says it's like a lightning strike, a flash and that's it. I used to think that this is a poetic image, literature, but it turned out to be all true. It's so huge.
№ 418634   Added MegaMozg 06-05-2021 / 20:54
The tablets are goals, and the road will be mastered by the walker.
Quote Explanation: The "golden ratio" is like a decryption key. It makes us think and rethink what we read. "The whole is more than a simple collection of its parts." We are at the very beginning of the journey. We need truth that can unite us. Truth expressed in a language that the heart understands. A truth that could be passed from mouth to mouth, from soul to soul without distortions and misinterpretations. In the meantime, all this only a dream. Will we make this dream come true? It depends on whether we can change our consciousness.
№ 418455   Added MegaMozg 04-05-2021 / 17:21