Author of quotes: Sergey Kurginyan

What is the fundamental difference between Stalinism and Hitlerism? Between Stalin and Hitler? That Hitler hated frenetic humanism and directly talked about it, and Stalin strongly defended the humanistic paradigm of human development. Therefore, as Thomas Mann said, with Stalin we can find a common language, unlike Hitler, motivated by the will to improve humanity. So Roosevelt had a common language with Stalin - it was the language of humanism. The Soviet project frenzied humanistic Nazi - frenzied antihumanistic. <...> Now they hate Stalin for humanistic variant of a strong government, and anti-humanistic - elevate. Every time reduced the Stalin - Hitler rises. Bringing down of Stalin only need to raise Hitler and Nazism and anti-humanism, because of today's Western elite do not know how to rule the world humanistically <...>, and give the authorities do not want. So she will manage blatantly antihumanistic, and this will need not only to reject Stalin, but also Christ! Will need to return to forms of injustice...
№ 367365   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2019 / 16:02
The monstrous failure of the elite, there is a much greater crime than cruelty. First, because this monstrous inconsistency begets violence, and secondly, because it is cruel in itself, because she doesn't care about anyone except the most elite. And thirdly - because then comes the dictator in the Wake of its insolvency. What should have been passed to the secretaries of the district Committee? Below the elite were not touched. Why are they so rebelled against Beria? Because they wanted to protect themselves. And every time they start to think about yourself, discuss how much it gave them, not the people, sooner or later is the people revenge. And it's a fair revenge.
№ 365450   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2019 / 01:12
I hate retirement. Don't understand it as a category. I hope that I will die at work. There is in this "living out" is something there... for me unacceptable, but I do make a difference, a huge difference between themselves and those who work at plants, factories, and agriculture; some manufacturing; nannies; women who freak somewhere in some kindergartens or anywhere else; ringing teachers. I make this distinction. This is the first. And second, I understand very well what these people want. They want social freedom. The same social freedom, which said the Prime Minister, who arranges all this. They want freedom from you, from your ferrets, which them as the cows are milked with a gradual pulling the udder. They want this freedom, at least at the end of life, before we depart to the other world. And you deprive them of this. You know what you're doing? You cancel St. George's day! You anchor them in fortress mode the rest of your life and cancel St. George's day. Do you think they'll forgive? I doubt it.
Quote Explanation: About raising the retirement age. "YouTube".
№ 341892   Added MegaMozg 04-09-2018 / 01:14
My friend, you must for thieves walking
Away to choose a back alley?
Quote Explanation: Remark the liberals in the government about raising the retirement age (fantasy on the theme of the play "Woe from wit" (1824) by A. S. Griboedov).
№ 329715   Added MegaMozg 21-06-2018 / 04:04
One day in the year the President says: "the System! Remember that there are people!" The system in this day sweats, She remembers... like people talking? Rude!&lt;...&gt; system - cold eyes. She remained aristocratic, oligarchic, whatever else... And with it, no breakthrough will not perform! Or system, or breakthroughs, we have to choose. &lt;...&gt; System one day and strained to hear a President who speaks to the people, this day she's scared, and then that fear goes away.
Quote Explanation: After the annual "Direct line with Vladimir Putin".
№ 328346   Added MegaMozg 09-06-2018 / 00:13
Nothing will ever return, unless there is a genuine catharsis. That is, the awareness of his guilt for what happened a disaster.
№ 265402   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 10:37
The closest thing to an equal partnership we were when America was Roosevelt, and we have Stalin.
Quote Explanation: about the relationship of the USSR and the USA
№ 227338   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:34
And you actually understand what that experience? At least you read the work of P. V. Simonov, dedicated to human emotions. There definitely stated that emotions are the level of desire of something (motivation), multiplied by the degree of uncertainty in all that relates to achieve its goals.
№ 214831   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 16:55
Beethoven speaks to all of life. Not about youth (one life), after which comes the maturity (different life). All human life from the cradle to the grave is the fight with the rock.
№ 214830   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 16:55
There is no way to Win without creating the theory of His Majesty the Defeat.
№ 214466   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 16:42
To wait, need to save time. At least as the internal history. If you lose time, you lose and wait.
№ 214465   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 16:42
If we don't see the meaning of the actions of certain politicians, do not see the point in the current processes, it does not mean that it is not at all. This means that the history of this hidden meaning somewhere. So, in this "somewhere" must go to the meaning to find.
№ 212999   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 15:42
Philosophy, unlike religion, is completely dependent on the information that she had learned from science. The philosopher relies on his modern scientific knowledge. It is the knowledge domyslivat. That is, uses it as a Foundation on which may be erected an ideological construction. But as it turns out, science has gained a fundamentally new factual material, compiled it new and got new models, radically different from the preceding, the philosopher finds himself in a difficult situation. For all the constructed ideological building begins to stagger for the same reason that real building totters in case of trouble with the Foundation.
The power of philosophy that it, unlike religion, is based on scientific information and models, and not on revelation and tradition. But it is also a weakness of philosophy.
№ 212854   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 15:37
Man is a creature with great difficulty to withstand the pain of their earthly existence. Man is the only creature on the planet that lives, knowing that it is mortal. Which something becomes knowing what has been gained will be taken away.
Man is a creature that can endure life only by the consumption of large quantities of one-the only permanent pain reliever. It means - the meaning. Or is the essence.
This tool can be mined only from ore called reality factory called interpretation.
№ 212270   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 14:03
History is the movement from one set of ideals to another.
№ 211834   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 13:48