payback [Theme] Page 4

She had forgotten this oppressive silence of the Midwestern suburbs. Yes, it is depressing, brutal: this kind of greatness (like the greatness of the pyramids, built, perhaps, the ancestors of Maggie) has not been without cost. Here reigned such a grace, there should be turbulent. Someone pays for this peace. Someone right now is suffering to this region was dominated by a wonderful silence, broken only by the rustle of leaves money.
№ 391090   Added MegaMozg 12-04-2020 / 23:03
If someone took your child, surely you would admit that the murderer got away with it?
№ 390929   Added MegaMozg 11-04-2020 / 19:33
In the end all will pay for what they did.
№ 390574   Added MegaMozg 07-04-2020 / 05:27
Like good turn deserves another.
№ 390114   Added Viker 04-04-2020 / 09:18
- You are the devil! Sooner or later will one day come judgement day you will answer for this sin!
- A sin? There is no sin. The owner comes with the property as he wants. And now Platt, I am very happy! Be careful, don't make me want even more to cheer yourself up.
№ 389997   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2020 / 09:33
Should pay for everything, including for sincerity. Very cool that the payment (less payment) occurs in the most unexpected for you place.
№ 387453   Added MegaMozg 21-02-2020 / 12:18
To assert themselves at the expense of the vulgarity and obscenities - the soul of the miserable inevitable payback!
№ 386209   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2020 / 15:32
It's time to ask yourself: do I want to work for free to save and Senjogahara Doing? Or I can't stand by and watch die, my recent enemies?
The answer is no, never. All this only will please me.
Then maybe I want to help this girl, Sengoku Nadeko, who contracted a rare disease?
The answer is no. Who is she anyway? Don't know her.
What about Senjogahara innocent girl I cheated in the past? Maybe I want to redeem myself by helping her? If we consider it not as an enemy, but as an old friend. Do I have the desire to do something for Senjogahara or for her family?
No such desire. I don't think about the past. Even if the girl becomes a prostitute because of my scams, it will not affect my life.
What about Doing? I hurt his sister. I also sold Kaganoi information about it. How about you return the favor to repay my debt to save his life?
The answer is no. Even if I'm a little owed, it is too unequal a bargain. My travel expenses will cover the entire debt.
What else? Oh, right, that girl - Hanekawa. Maybe I'm touched that for the sake of their friends, she went through the seas and oceans? Or, maybe she's incredibly rich? I can get her relatives to fork out.
The answer is no.
Useless. No matter how much I think, I can't find any reason to take this job. The business promises no profit, only losses.
18 Series
№ 386056   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2020 / 14:26
I know who I am, and that retribution will overtake me.
1 Season 2 Series
№ 381433   Added Viker 30-10-2019 / 09:07
Almost all of the good in this life comes at a price.
Very few things that are worthwhile in life come without a cost.
3 Season 2 Series
№ 380092   Added MegaMozg 08-10-2019 / 05:06
- I'm not the boss, I repeated the words.
- You see your words have cost so many lives, and now you. Need to think again!
Quote Explanation: I don't need revenge, I need revenge.
1 Season 16 Series
№ 378484   Added MegaMozg 15-09-2019 / 00:03
They were digging in my brain. Thought know what you will find. But I was wrong. They don't know me. What happened next, I don't know, but am sure of one thing: who will hurt me, will regret it.
They mistook my brain. They thought they knew what they receive. But they were wrong. I do not know. I do not know what happens then but what if you hurt me, I'll do worse.
№ 377724   Added Viker 04-09-2019 / 11:49
Each sin has its own fate and its own reckoning.
№ 377501   Added Viker 01-09-2019 / 10:18
Not everyone knows when retribution will come - but everyone knows that.
№ 375455   Added MegaMozg 24-07-2019 / 20:19
But what if one day you still will die.
And, contrary to science, the sky will fall.
And will meet you there the old man in white robe.
Dude is pretty tough, despite the charm.
And he'd say, guys, that's what you lived!
Admit it, you purposely to amaze me decided?
I understand life is given once.
But I created the Earth not just for you!
You behaved very badly, mcnaughty.
If not for you I wrote the commandments in the book!
Thank you, of course, that you have built temples.
But it was not in the main part of the program!
I hope, guys, for your understanding.
I can't let you in decent company...
I'm sorry you will now have to burn in hell,
But you at least understand what I meant...

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Quote Explanation: about the officials
№ 370842   Added MegaMozg 27-05-2019 / 12:18