the prophet [Theme]

They listen to those speeches laughing.
№ 465169   Added MegaMozg 26-03-2024 / 20:54
If there isn't one today and there wasn't before, the heavenly company has probably already closed.
№ 453668   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2023 / 21:36
And if there is none, it is likely that the company closed a long time ago.
№ 453523   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2023 / 00:36
God gave everything to establish heaven on earth - the Scriptures, the Prophets, and what we call SCIENCE. But unfortunately...
№ 448781   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2023 / 11:24
- You, Maria Fedorovna, are a real phenomenon.
- No! I am a woman hungry for a storm. "This is a brave Petrel proudly flying between the lightning over the sea roaring angrily; then the prophet of victory shouts: "Let the storm break stronger!.."
- You, Maria Fedorovna, are a real phenomenon.
- No! I am a...
№ 441438   Added MegaMozg 25-06-2022 / 20:45
The only way you will pull out a routine is out of love. You cannot love an idea. I assure you, there is not a single person in this world who is capable of loving an idea. Always love a person. And it's not just that. If Christianity has Christ, Islam has a prophet, Buddhism has a Buddha - it's not just that. You can't love an idea, you need a person, you need someone you can love.
№ 440970   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2022 / 15:39
With the mouths of the prophets God speaks, and God speaks with human mouths when people do not understand otherwise. The Creator is angry with us, fools, that's why the prophets of Aleijadinu are angry. Read what Amos has written on his scroll: "Lead the people blind, although they have eyes, and deaf, although they have ears ..."
№ 432775   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2021 / 16:27
dreams - Laforgue.
Quote Explanation: Rise up the prophet and see and heed, fulfill my will, and, bypassing the seas and lands, Burn the hearts of people with the Verb. (Pushkin)
№ 428815   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 16:28
Poet among the Latins means: vates, prophet.
№ 428814   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 16:27
All great books teach you something. Denying it is like denying God. The one who entertains, but at the same time teaches is a prophet. Anyone who simply entertains is a jester.
№ 427936   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 14:31
Our real educator and healer and prophet.
№ 425836   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 11:28
And there is no prophet in his homeland and one does not need to go far for an example.
№ 425314   Added petrashevgant 12-08-2021 / 09:34
Yes, pathetic vulgarity, but petty enmity.
№ 423959   Added Viker 23-07-2021 / 16:19
Let me, as a fighter, not break chains,
As a prophet, I do not shed light in the darkness:
I went into the crowd and suffer with it,
And I give what I can - a response and hello!..
№ 423311   Added Viker 16-07-2021 / 12:43
Oh, if only the word of fire
I received a gift from the muse,
How ruthless and harsh
I branded vice and malice!
I'm not given that word...
My weak voice is powerless,
My soul is ready to fight,
But there is no young power in it...
In the chest - barren sobbing,
In the mouth - a painful reproach,
And my heart crushes consciousness,
That I am a slave, not a prophet!
Quote Explanation: Rise up the prophet and see and heed, fulfill my will, and bypassing the seas and lands, burn the hearts of people with a verb. (Pushkin)
№ 422878   Added MegaMozg 10-07-2021 / 23:00