Anime: Fate: stay Night (Fate Stay Night)

If someone does not know how to rule, then surpassing everyone and becoming a king will be worthless.
If someone does not know how to rule, then surpassing...
№ 432445   Added MegaMozg 02-12-2021 / 23:21
The hero is the one who carries all people on his shoulders.
The hero is the one who carries all people on his shoulders.
№ 432443   Added MegaMozg 02-12-2021 / 23:15
Only in hell, generated by the human heart, people acquire a wonderful flash of light.
№ 422122   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2021 / 02:54
The path you have chosen is not easy.
Soon your ideals will be destroyed before reality.
The path you have chosen is not easy.
Soon your ideals will...
№ 417346   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2021 / 00:57
You want to save everything and everything.
The salvation of one means the death of the other.
You want to save everything and everything.
The salvation...
№ 417345   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2021 / 00:54
An adult cannot tell people who he is.
An adult cannot tell people who he is.
№ 417344   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2021 / 00:51
Nobody wants to have a student who does not respect their teacher.
№ 417322   Added MegaMozg 19-04-2021 / 14:45
No regrets. Only one path among many paths.
2 Season 5 Series
№ 385496   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2020 / 22:22
Humanity is a flock that can't comprehend the pleasure without sacrifice.
2 Season 12 Series
№ 329780   Added MegaMozg 22-06-2018 / 15:19
This place is his world. All his life he helped all mankind, and his life ended here. He loved the place and smiled, dripping blood here. What is he still a jackass. But more it irritates me his fate. He was struggling, wanted to be a hero, and when he reached his goal he was killed. At that moment, he realized that was wrong. If he helped people, I had to remind myself of the joy of his tired heart. He was to receive a reward for your labors. But instead of gratitude he received a penalty. All that he has achieved the role of a Guardian who helps people even after death.
2 Season 18 Series
№ 254211   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 12:51
If it saves even one person it will be able to save from the suffering of this world.
2 Season 21 Series
№ 253914   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 12:41
Okay... Decided to fulfill his dream, because you thought that you will be able to create a perfect world? I mean, come on! It never was your own dream! It makes no sense! Face it! You blindly believe that to sacrifice the life... What it will bring to others the good! It's just ego! All your life you were a fake. Like you, will not save anyone. The more... You don't even realize that you really want to save! See... That's how it ends! No one can save the other! It's impossible! Anything you can achieve to become an instrument of the will of others in the name of evil! Your dream is foolish... to Think that the lives of other, much more important than your own... to Dream of a world where everyone will be happy - this is just a children's fairy tale. If you're really willing to give his life for her, so be it!
2 Season 20 Series
№ 253856   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 12:39
All because people by nature are limited. Balance, peace, happiness - all one. Ye prisoners of their own flesh, will never be satisfied. With this purpose, you people have created the Holy Grail. Not in order to liberate ourselves from suffering, but rather to conquer them, but this led only to destruction. There is no desire to change the world stronger than the human wickedness. It is because he feeds on human anger, the Grail is destined to destroy itself when activated. That is your true essence. Wishmaster is perfectly this era.
2 Season 23 Series
№ 226353   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 14:20
How it hurts... a lot. All life was pain. I was hoping that death will rid me of this pain. I remember that face like he just saved. Happy face. This moment changed everything. Weakness, who died, turned into a force that wants to live. After that I never left my father. I'll never forget his face, he is forever in my memory. Yes, one day, if I can smile like Kiritsugu, I find their salvation.
1 Season 11 Series
№ 222911   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 12:17
Our king is a God of war. He first rushes into battle, and knows no defeat. No one can stand in the way of king Arthur. His dauntless figure has not changed since then, he has made his choice. The king does not even age. He is the incarnation of the dragon.
Quote Explanation: The action takes place in a dream saber. Is that talking about her won when she was still alive.
1 Season 13 Series
№ 222910   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 12:17