Book: Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus. Page 1

So the poor sufferer tried to comfort others and herself. It has reached the desired peace. And I, the true murderer, was wearing chest the undying worm, and it was not for me, no hope, no consolation. Elizabeth is also grieved and wept; but it was innocent tears, sorrow, like a cloud on the bright face of the moon, which darkens it but does not stain. I have the same despair had penetrated into the depths of the soul; in me was burning hell fire that nothing could extinguish.
№ 351766   Added MegaMozg 02-12-2018 / 11:03
O beloved homeland! Who, besides your children, will understand with what joy I saw again your streams and mountains, and especially your wonderful lake!
№ 351762   Added MegaMozg 02-12-2018 / 08:02
If I don't have attachment, I surrender to hatred and Vice. Love of another being would have eliminated the cause of my crimes, and no one anything about me would not have heard. My atrocities generated by the enforced solitude, I hate; my virtue will flourish when I deal with my peers being. I feel affection of a thinking of creation; I'm a link in the chain of all things which I now is not the place.
№ 348722   Added MegaMozg 04-11-2018 / 15:04
About the stars, the clouds and wind! Are you kidding me. If you truly pity me, deprive me of the senses and memory, turn it into nothing; if you can't, disappear and leave me in darkness.
№ 348721   Added MegaMozg 04-11-2018 / 15:03
It was a man, as if created "the poetry of nature." It's rapid, enthusiastic imagination was constrained by the sensitivity of the heart. He was able ardently to love; in friendship he showed that kind of devotion which, according to conventional wisdom, exists only in our imagination. But human affections, could not entirely fill his ardent soul. Nature, which the others only admired, he loved passionately.
№ 348719   Added MegaMozg 04-11-2018 / 14:11
... The roar of the waterfall
Was music to him. A steep cliff,
Capped mountains, dense and dark forest,
Their contours and paint were caused
It is true, passionate love.
He needed no persuasion,
In order to love them. What was pleasing to the eye
It touched the soul...
Quote Explanation: "Tintarella Abbey" Wordsworth.
№ 348448   Added MegaMozg 01-11-2018 / 13:02
I was created for peace and happiness. As a youth, I did not know discontent. And if ever I struggled with melancholy, the contemplation of the beauties of nature or the study of the beautiful and sublime creations of man have always resonated in my heart and lifted my spirit. Now I was like a tree struck by lightning; it pierced my soul through and through, and I felt that I should stay like a man and show him the pathetic collapse that triggers compassion in others and intolerable to myself.
№ 348447   Added MegaMozg 01-11-2018 / 12:08
For a moment I dared to cast off one's chains and look around freely and proudly. But iron chains already eroded my soul and I am again, trembling and becoming frustrated immersed in their experiences.
№ 348446   Added MegaMozg 01-11-2018 / 12:07
However, he found that in the life of a traveler together with pleasures, there is a lot of adversity. He is constantly in the tension, and barely starting to relax, forced to leave the pleasant places in search of something new, which again holds his attention, and then in turn to abandon it for other products.
№ 348445   Added MegaMozg 01-11-2018 / 12:06
On the way Clerval still tried to comfort me. He felt sorry for me with all my heart. "Poor William - he said, - poor, dear child! He's sleeping now beside the angelic soul of his mother. Anyone who knew this baby in all its infant charms, mourn his untimely death. To die so badly, feeling his neck on the killer's hands! What the villain need to be to kill the innocent! Poor child! Only one can be comforted: his relatives lament and weep, but he has suffered. Terrible moment behind, and he was laid to rest forever. His tender body is covered the grave with turf, and he feels no pain. He did not need pity; I will save it for the unfortunate who survived."
№ 341858   Added MegaMozg 03-09-2018 / 16:02
Come, Victor, not with thoughts of revenge, but with love in the soul, who has healed our wound, and exalted his woes it was not. Enter the house of mourning, my friend, but not with hatred of the enemy, and with love to the loving you.
№ 341829   Added MegaMozg 03-09-2018 / 15:06
When I was in a good mood, nature was for me a source of exquisite sensations. Clear sky and verdant fields filled me with delight.
№ 341825   Added MegaMozg 03-09-2018 / 15:03
Mr. Frankenstein, we are too modest - excellent quality in a young man. The youth are supposed to be modest, Mr. Clerval; in my youth I myself was, Yes, but this modesty is short enough.
№ 341807   Added MegaMozg 03-09-2018 / 14:02
To the horror mingled with the bitterness of disappointment; something I've wanted for so long, now turned into anguish and as a sudden and irreparable was this change!
№ 341804   Added MegaMozg 03-09-2018 / 04:03
There is nothing in life peremenchiva our senses.
№ 341802   Added MegaMozg 03-09-2018 / 03:14