teachings [Theme]

For example, the teachings of a weak saint.
For example, the teachings of a weak saint.
№ 464686   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:27
You seem to be accustomed to smiley faces, to true playgrounds of lies. The truth is harsh, sir. But isn't our destiny here on earth just as severe? You should zealously protect your consciousness, so that this weakness does not deceive it - excessive sensitivity to the vain pleasantness of the external.
№ 452635   Added MegaMozg 06-04-2023 / 14:51
It is not easy to educate adults who want to be independent and teach others.
№ 451240   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 08:55
Jealousy is a current evil that people are carefully trying to turn into good. As evil is only a program of education and teaching in a person.
№ 438014   Added MegaMozg 23-04-2022 / 07:39
Teaching is light, teaching is darkness.
№ 437179   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2022 / 15:30
Human! you are not grateful and evil in relation to God; you do not know how to use the mercies of God, and you do not want to deserve them by devotion to His all-good will, you do not want to endure the slightest test from His benevolent goodness. You are all around in the mercy of God. The devil looks at you with envy and says to God: this person will only bless You in the face. But touch only his property, especially his bones, his health: and then it will be obvious that he blesses (praises, glorifies) You only for Your gifts, and in misfortune he will murmur against You, blaspheme You. And what? About misfortune! It often happens that way. How the matter touches your self-denial, how it takes a few hours or days of patience from you, how it happens to lose something: then it really turns out that you are only able to thank God in happiness, and in misfortune you grumble. Our original enemy, to our shame, remains here in fact right.
№ 424141   Added MegaMozg 25-07-2021 / 15:24
He believes himself smarter than all and all it teaches. Its not feed bread, only to come to Council to ask.
№ 395192   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2020 / 00:45
Let the women will - and they will never cease to preach, I thought of Payt. Pedagogy entails them since the fall of eve. Women see themselves as goddesses.
№ 381400   Added Viker 30-10-2019 / 08:56
I like to teach... It's easier than most to learn.
№ 381363   Added MegaMozg 29-10-2019 / 21:04
I have nothing against narrow-minded people if they do not need to teach anything.
№ 381359   Added MegaMozg 29-10-2019 / 20:56
Better to seem stupid and ask than to remain silent and stay ignorant.
№ 377323   Added MegaMozg 28-08-2019 / 16:49
...how sickening, when you teach all day...
№ 375357   Added MegaMozg 24-07-2019 / 01:54
We need to do what the parents ordered.
Nos facere quod parentes nostri dic nobis facere.
№ 355452   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2019 / 02:03
... The day was kind of enlightening, one of those strange days that descend to us from above for training.
№ 331912   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2018 / 23:08
Don't scream how to live, just show.
№ 296496   Added MegaMozg 04-08-2017 / 17:03