separateness [Theme]

For most people, knowledge of their own personality, as well as knowledge of other personalities, is too hasty, too quickly exhausted. For them, intimacy is established primarily through sexual contact. Since they perceive the alienation of another person primarily as physical alienation, physical unity is taken for overcoming alienation.
№ 418366   Added MegaMozg 03-05-2021 / 15:57
The forms that the individual chooses in non-orgiastic culture are alcoholism and drug addiction. In contrast to those who engage in socially approved action, such individuals suffer from feelings of guilt and remorse. Although they try to escape separation by taking refuge in alcohol and drugs, they feel even more lonely after the orgiastic experience is over, and the need to return to their refuge as often and as intensely as possible increases. The sexual orgiastic solution to the problem is not much different from this refuge. In a sense, it is a natural and normal form of overcoming separation and a partial response to the problem of isolation. But for many individuals, whose separation cannot be overcome in other ways, the source of sexual satisfaction acquires a function that makes it not too distinguishable from alcoholism and drug addiction. It becomes a desperate attempt to escape the anxiety generated by separation and, as a result, leads to an even greater sense of separation, for a sexual act without love can never bridge the gap that separates two human beings. Except for a brief moment.
№ 418361   Added MegaMozg 03-05-2021 / 15:42
It seems that after an orgiastic experience, a person can part with suffering for a while, which largely stems from his separation. Gradually, the anxiety tension rises again and again decreases due to the repeated performance of the ritual.
№ 418314   Added MegaMozg 02-05-2021 / 23:45
In a trance state of exaltation, the external world disappears, and with it the feeling of separation from it.
№ 418313   Added MegaMozg 02-05-2021 / 23:42
At all times, in all cultures, a person is faced with the same question: how to overcome separation, how to achieve unity, how to go beyond his own individual life and find unity.
№ 418312   Added MegaMozg 02-05-2021 / 23:39
After a man and a woman began to become aware of themselves and each other, they realized their separateness and their difference due to their belonging to different genders. But as soon as they realized their separation, they became strangers to each other, because they had not yet learned to love each other (which is quite understandable, at least from the fact that Adam defended himself by accusing Eve, instead of trying to protect her). Realizing human separateness without reuniting in love is a source of shame and at the same time it is a source of guilt and anxiety. Thus, the deepest human need is the need to overcome his separation, to leave the prison of his loneliness.
№ 418311   Added MegaMozg 02-05-2021 / 23:36