Book: Sacred trash. Page 2

In the window the TV the Bishop kisses a KGB General on the cheek, then KGB General kissing of a Bishop in the handle. Swinging a censer, sanctifying the Bank, the casino. No one decent bandit sits in your "six" until you say the proper prayer... And in the middle of the city, full of beggars, vagabonds, cripples and invalids of the last war, bubbling gilded disgrace, a multimillion-dollar temple, innocently erected in honor of him Who came to fulfill the law of mercy and love, not the law of rude force and big money...
№ 155151   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 13:57
Dignified behavior - the best decoration women...
№ 155150   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2017 / 13:57
Mentally I go back to the days when Moscow two little girls expressed their spontaneous revolt against the nauseating time sewing buttons back on a coat, wearing a bra over the shirt and other small domestic dissidence for manufactured soil.
№ 140028   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:48
The total amount of culture that increases continually in need of the human mind working at maximum capacity to produce tools for increasing precision, strength, reliability and performance. And what is irreparable damage to himself personally, the culture and life of the people, excluding from your mental use the science and art of limiting its existence only connections with sources of power, heat, and partners for procreation.
№ 140027   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:48
... literature is the artistic interpretation of these relations between man and the world. At the working level, so to speak. This case involved the writer, even in those cases where it pretends that is just about to entertain respectable public.
№ 140026   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:48
By becoming human, this creature never ceases to be an animal. What a complex system of relationships exists: a definite animal, and to this day the animal, by all indications, completely animal - an active movement, active feeding, instincts, common to fish, snakes, rabbit and man.
The instincts of nutrition, of reproduction, of care for the offspring. However, the latter not at all. Not all fish take care of their children, some just splashed with sperm in the appropriate circumstances. But this people is...
№ 140025   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:48
All human problems - see on the list, between "born" and "died" - are solved more effectively by business administrators than questionable Supreme powers parks, moir, Angels of the highest level, even the Maid, which is massively use for resolution of technical issues, not having any relation to it.
№ 140024   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:48
Over a leisurely Russian time. Invited to action button sprinkling machine is lightning fast refresh asphalt, blender will blend in thirty seconds best quality artificial protein, Splenda and strawberry powder in a calorie-free cocktail, and swollen glands calm down with one shot of antibiotics...
№ 140023   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:48
Reading, like sex in its most common form, requires two partners, the author and the reader. These partners are absolutely essential to each other. Every time we take up a book, we prepare ourselves for the new sweet, and sometimes difficult experiences, and when they do not find it a disappointment, to put aside that. Reading it, we grow, we grow gradually until only the best that can be expressed using the alphabet.
№ 140022   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:48
When I grew up, I realized that there is a whole army of people who hide from reality in reading. The myth that Russia is the most reading country in the world, standing, as I now think it is these people. Literature a substitute for life, riddled with deceit, brutality and squalid ideology existed: the great Russian literature.
№ 140018   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:47
What an old song! The boy with a wooden gun, girl with papier-masaveu the doll! Still gathering dust on the shelves machines knob-ratchet and "denrojdenye" doll stares out of the box, and children (girls-boys indiscriminately) will lipoplast in the TV screen or the screen of the phone, and fingers (fine motor skills!) pounding with frightening speed, knocking sounds, which in the last century did not exist.
Old-fashioned parents still trying to fasten on hair pink bow, put on the child a decent white shirt, and they are already at the disco, girls shaved heads and dreadlocks to dissolve the boys, with drawn on forearm or buttock dragons, listen and compose music, which before in nature was not.
The boy, my dear! My girl! Wait! Don't go! I have not had time to read about the Grey Neck, and about Kashtanka, about Petya and Masha Grineva Mironov! But they were already gone, and I'm not even quite sure who the boy who the girl is! And if they need their boots?
№ 140017   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:47
In the early years, I think, individual differences between people are much stronger than those which are defined floors. Why do I think so? Because at a very early age Paul is still not needed, and very young being free from his strict laws. As in old age, upon completion of reproduction, when Paul no longer needed. People, on this basis, most fully expresses his human content in early childhood and in late old age. Hence was born the deep semantic rhyme - young and old. Close to the border area.
№ 140016   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:47
Here lose hands, legs, head and age, date of birth and date of death, nationality and education, you'll lose the name, and it will be good.
№ 140011   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 21:47