Author of quotes: Sergei Neighbors

I always try to protect a person, to find the best features in him. My task is not to humiliate a person with criticism, but to help him. Criticism is needed to help the artist find himself.
№ 437418   Added MegaMozg 03-04-2022 / 17:18
I value culture and education. I appreciate humor and self-irony. If a person knows how to play a trick on himself, then he has become a person.
№ 437417   Added MegaMozg 03-04-2022 / 17:15
The artist has no right to go on stage infirm. Must be the respect of the artist to his profession, to the stage, to song, to the audience.
№ 386434   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2020 / 11:34
I never tried to "bite". My goal was to get an interesting answer, an adequate answer adequate to the question, deep answer. My questions with rationale. I would like to the artist is explained in detail, trying to answer the question in the same degree of depth. By asking questions, I wanted to help the artist in his profession, to reach new frontiers, to understand their creative mistakes.
№ 386433   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2020 / 11:32
Man cannot be someone's property. People should have the freedom even in the family. Cannot be such that two fully belonged to each other. I don't believe that cheating exists as such. Infidelity in a physical sense does not exist in principle. Cheating if it is, then only in the spiritual sense, that is, when the changed views.
№ 386431   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2020 / 11:28
Life is not only to reproduce. We are not animals after all, we are human beings. And each of us has a mission.
№ 386430   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2020 / 11:26
I've imagined them as victims of American methods of success. Unfortunately, a lot of methods success methods happiness. In them it is written: "You can do anything, you can do anything; if there was a failure, move on; if you like something, follow this path, believe in yourself and you can do anything, you can prove". It's all stupid, stupid method. In order to achieve this, you need to have potential, potency: creative, mental, physical.
Quote Explanation: About people who heard from a critic that they have poor vocal skills, stated that all the same will to succeed as vocalists.
№ 386429   Added Viker 20-01-2020 / 11:24
They are using the corrupt courts perfectly bankrupted the Bank "Ugra". And that's all. And they wanted to spit on all of our initiatives, in our pain, that they are "broken wings" hundreds of thousands of people, made them beggars. There is no work in Russia today. Or work for peanuts. It is impossible to live. We live in a criminal, criminal country. The Supreme government is tyranny.
Quote Explanation: Round table in the State Duma, November 2018. In may 2018 the Central Bank initiatives were advanced by the impending bankruptcy of the Bank "Ugra", in which his investors lost almost all savings in it. The neighbors had been saving money for many years, hoping to buy an apartment.
№ 386428   Added Viker 20-01-2020 / 11:23