Author of quotes: Valery Kuvakin

Humanism, of course, is not politics, but it is not alien to politics and is not isolated from political life, because such self-isolation would only lead to the triumph of the inhuman in society ... A just, democratic and legal state is one of the fundamental humanistic values of man and society. However, humanism establishes its own, special relationship with politics. Humanism is a worldview of a non-partisan nature, since, while positioning, talking about itself, it addresses all citizens through the heads of party leaders and bureaucrats, statesmen and political strategists. He performs a general political humanizing function, appealing to members of any parties, to the electorate as a whole, to each voter individually, to his best civic, moral and legal feelings. He is a common party, since he addresses all political parties. It performs inter-party functions, preventing the struggle of ideas and ideologies from developing into a war between people and social classes. Humanism is the only acceptable moral and psychological field in which all political differences and conflicts can be discussed and resolved. Another such field - legal - is a lawful and fair court, a developed democratic judicial and legal system of the country. In a healthy society, all political parties are guided by the basic values of humanism. This, ultimately, determines the humanity of the socio-political structure of society, its political consciousness. Humanity is the main criterion for the quality of political life and political institutions of society.
№ 408877   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:45
Ideology is a way of fighting for the minds and hearts of people, for power; it is a way of retaining, maintaining and consolidating power; it is a way of dominating some groups of people over the rest of society... It is at this point that the worldview and ideology are fundamentally opposed. The relationship between the worldview and the person does not go beyond the personality. Here the personality is responsible for his actions. The worldview is personal. The relationship between personality and ideology is hierarchical, since ideology is from outside and above.
№ 408876   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:42
Humanism as a social phenomenon (that is, humanistic organizations and movements) cannot turn into a political party or ideology, since by doing so it betrays itself as a worldview, loses its privacy, personality, humanity and universalism. If humanism becomes a political program or ideology, then it turns from a goal into a means of struggle for power, which, by definition, cannot be the power of one and all. It necessarily has its own bosses and subordinates, leaders and executors ... Any attempt to turn a humanistic movement or organization into a political party or ideology is doomed to failure, to perversion of humanistic ideals and real social functions of humanism. All this does not diminish, but on the contrary, enhances the significance of the political component of humanism ... The spiritual core of humanism as a social force, as a collective worldview should be a moral social force. Its general political task is to humanize the political consciousness of a citizen, the practice of political parties and the state.
№ 408875   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:39
Humanism is a secular, worldly, general civil worldview developed by man and going from person to person, expressing the idea of the absolute dignity of the individual, its outwardly relative, but steadily progressing towards absolute independence, self-sufficiency and equality in the face of society and the world known and unknown in it. Humanism is a modern form of realistic psychology and human life orientation, which includes rationality, criticality, skepticism, empathy, stoicism, tolerance, restraint, discretion, optimism, love of life, freedom, courage, hope, fantasy, and productive imagination. The humanistic worldview includes the requirement to recognize the presence or possibility of the inhuman in a person, not to ignore, but to strive to limit the power and sphere of influence of the dark side of human nature as much as possible. Moreover, humanism is full of conviction in the ability of people to more and more successfully and reliably curb their negative qualities in the course of human self-improvement and the progressive development of world civilization.
№ 408874   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:36
The essence of man is the essence acquired, co-edged and realized by him in himself and in the world in which he is born, lives and acts. Man is a co-creation, a being who, at the final stage of his formation, participates in the birth of himself as a reasonable, self-aware, worthy and equal partner of society and the world.
№ 408873   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:33
In order not to turn into a slave or servant of your convictions, which are not necessarily, more precisely, most likely, are not absolutely true and, of course, are not the only ones and are not better than everyone else in the world of ideas and beliefs, you need to look at them from the outside, be critical and careful about what they tell us, what they propose to do, or how to live. Apparently, it is important to remember that any knowledge is limited by time and place, there may be mistakes in it, especially since life does not stand still, and that knowledge that was enough yesterday may not be enough today.
№ 408872   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:30
Humanism does not claim to be absolutely true and complete. He admits that he may contain erroneous ideas or statements, and at the same time he admits that his truths may be probabilistic, limited by time or circumstances, that is, they are not necessarily absolute and eternal. This assumption allows humanism to see and take into account its delusions, correct them, improve and not turn into a dogma.
№ 408871   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:27
Self-consciousness is the way not to the outside, but to the individual. On this path, consciousness finds what we call the human self. To find and preserve one's self means to find and preserve the most important thing in oneself: one's dignity, independence, reasonable freedom and responsibility.
№ 408870   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:24
Man is not only a creation, but also a co-creation, in which the completion of the process of human emergence is impossible without the own efforts of the born person.
№ 408869   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 17:21
Realism and sobriety of self-assessments, courage to distinguish the negative in us, the ability not to turn a blind eye to the dark areas of the inner world of a person help to improve and avoid breakdowns, obstacles and failures on the way to truth, goodness, justice and beauty. Knowing our negative, even potentially, qualities, their identification in the light of humane reason allows us to weaken the power and influence of this sphere of the human being, one way or another to neutralize or weaken the possible influence of the "demons" of evil on us.
№ 407595   Added MegaMozg 27-11-2020 / 20:06
A real, not a fictional person, is neither sanctity nor absolute villainy. But we are given something more. We create ideals of truth, goodness, beauty. And nothing can stop us from striving for them. In addition, we are given the freedom and responsibility to choose between the human and the inhuman, which in itself makes our lives an incredibly interesting and exciting adventure with an unpredictable, pre-unknown outcome.
№ 407594   Added MegaMozg 27-11-2020 / 20:03
Central to a number of universal human values is the so-called golden rule of morality: do with others as you would like to be treated with you. In negative form, it has the form: do not do to others what you would not want to be done to you. The main idea of this rule is the requirement to treat another person as oneself. The wisdom of the golden rule of morality lies in the fact that it shows the way to overcome the natural egoism of a person through the ability and task to feel in the place of another, to see in him someone like you, the same valuable being as yourself.
№ 407593   Added MegaMozg 27-11-2020 / 20:00