Character: Eva. Page 1

You're not the kind of person who will just change...
- "Forgive"?! - asked hotessa, threw back his head and for a moment the loud and expressive laughed. - Of course I forgive you, mother! That's when the tombstone will set over his grave, so just and will forgive. But it's not jealousy. This rancor, anger, revenge, and exposure to instantaneous impulses, the heat of passion... and Yes - it's my style. But jealous for no reason is just silly. I understand that relationships are based on trust. And then the love. If the trust is gone, consider that relationship also came to naught. You can never fully control another person. But if he loves you - this is not required. And if not - it still does not help.
№ 260401   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 20:14
- Oh, well, what do you boil, Crack - cute smile at me. - You broke my heart, I broke your arm. I think we're even.
№ 251768   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 11:30
Really happy me make three "C" - freedom, speed, snowboarding. When I ride, in General, there is only a slide Board and it's an incredible feeling of euphoria.
№ 251766   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 11:30
- By the way, he's gay.
- I like this look.
№ 240442   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 15:43
- Cocktail with champagne.
Thank you.
He, by the way, Sluts are crazy about.
Is my mother's favorite cocktail.
№ 240441   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 15:43
Luck is like a revolving door - need to know which way to turn to pass.
1 Season 1 Series
№ 233703   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 21:08
Even in the inevitability of a game of chance.
1 Season 6 Series
№ 227305   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:33
And the mother has no power to ask the whole yarn
With me because one strand of her
Though italas the strand all the netting.
№ 202288   Added MegaMozg 14-01-2017 / 09:05
This is a very bad world indeed. Broken. There are certain standards to which all aspire. They teach you what is good and what is bad. And you gradually forget what was good before. You begin to believe them. Believe so hard that in the end convince themselves. And you're right. But you're not you.
№ 193543   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 16:40
True friendship is based not on force.
1 Season 19 Series
№ 189380   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 13:50
You can't live in fear, that can make a mistake.
№ 175645   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 18:20
- You like artificial Breasts?
- No, I like real.
- I have a real.
- Then we are both fortunate.
№ 175644   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 18:20
I have a strange feeling that had never happened before. I have the feeling that I walked past something very important. I seemed to have developed some stupid habit. First you're little, then grow in your life appear the guys: one, two, and three. And that guy you met, and then broke up with him, not perceived as some kind of tragedy. And so, in the order of things. And I don't want it anymore.
№ 168326   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 13:01
I always wondered what they think of me when they leave...
Now, he went away and immediately forgot what?
Here, standing in the bath or falling asleep, he thinks about me?
Restless or looking at things that binds us together... Or notices that sitting at the bar, which is 100 times we were together... When is Breakfast? When the subway goes?
How often does he think of me?
№ 167892   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 12:40
The people in our lives like the seasons. They come in the spring, when the buds on the trees swell still, and nature slowly but surely transform the world of flowers. In some places in the meadows are already in bloom colorful, yellow, so bright dandelions. They will be with us all summer. Such a long, sometimes even endless; with some people, however, the summer is short and rainy, and some lasts a lifetime. But they always leave or die. After all the leaves fall from the trees in late October. And look in the window, and all around dead. In your life where everything stood still, joy is no more. And left one man, and with him all summer.
№ 166506   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 11:32