Putin [Theme] Page 4

Vladimir Putin has signed the decree about increase of salaries and remuneration of the Prime Minister of our country Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. According to the document, the salaries were indexed by 4.3% from October 1, 2019. And I just want to meet all those people who said, "wait a Second! What is it? How can he afford to raise wages?" And what of this? And who needs to raise the salary of the President? Who is the man who has to tell: "Vladimir Vladimirovich, worked well this year, we will increase your salary". There are no such people! Of course, the President himself and needs to increase his salary! And it is good that he raised. Next year Vladimir Putin will receive more, but so what? So he will buy more ice cream Erdogan and what a birthday he will not have to walk in the woods, and will be able to go to relax in a nice 4 star hotel.
Release Date: 08.10.2019
№ 382775   Added MegaMozg 16-11-2019 / 20:20
Mr. President obvious. Oh, smashed, so smashed! He tells them: do not steal, and they steal! And so a hundred times. It's like that unter-the officer widow again over a bullied. And the winner in the nomination "I am outraged and concerned" once again becomes Dark. Everything is clear: Putin is no different from ordinary people and from the sofa experts. Understand that stealing and outraged about this. But unlike ordinary people he might have something to do. So people might have something to do, but why bring this up? Dark, you are the President or a blogger? Punish the thieves, not obzorchik then arrange who stole. And the data you have is outdated: it has long been stealing billions. Over twenty years have built a chain that stole so that he doesn't know what to do with it, therefore, remains nineteen years to seek and resent. And he is very good at it, by the way.
What Dimon? The police renamed the police and everything. What could, and so helpful. Well, the old lady with her knees raised and hot water was promised, which it was not with the 16th year.
Quote Explanation: Abuse in the construction of the cosmodrome East failed to stop at the this day, at this point already stolen hundreds of millions of rubles. This was stated by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. According to the head of state, theft continue after tens of instituted criminal cases. Putin stressed that the project is of national character. Lenta.ru.
238 Series Release Date: 15.11.2019
№ 382760   Added MegaMozg 16-11-2019 / 19:50
You've probably heard about the scandal that North Korean intelligence agencies have bugged the whole world, they even years in a row bugged Merkel's mobile phone. It's just mind-boggling. Well, assholes are these North Koreans! That freaks! And, no.. it was the Americans. Every time I confuse them. Every time confused. Horrible! No, the North Koreans were in Vietnam, remember they were still sprayed all sorts of chemical nasties over Vietnam, then they gave the war in Iraq with hundreds of thousands of dead innocent people, that's exactly were these assholes - the North Koreans. Sure! No, wait... it was also the Americans... <...> Wait, so what did then the North Koreans? And, Yes, they are there for themselves some kind of rocket tested! The horror! This is in any gate not climbing! Can you just test it some missiles? These missiles had for weeks to dump millions of cities in the middle East, then they would get a place in the UN Security Council. And so, only by testing yourself some missiles, the UN still has not hit. <...> What assholes these North Koreans! Just imagine - North Korea's first President-the father, and then later became the President of his son! This is a quiet horror! This is impossible to imagine or in America... It just boggles the mind. And we are indignant about Putin, he again and again in the presidential chair. Poor Putin, just no son, and therefore have again and again to go into power.
Quote Explanation: German satirist in "Midnight lace" (Mitternachtsspitzen) on the state channel WDR.
№ 381541   Added MegaMozg 31-10-2019 / 23:04
In addition to Putin, no one, because everyone else is, like Putin.
№ 380957   Added MegaMozg 22-10-2019 / 21:45
In the first quarter of the current year the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation amounted to 10 000 rubles, and in the spring of last year - 10 300. That is the year, in conditions when prices for food, winter came, people began to pay more for heating, it was found that life became less at 300 rubles. With such methods it is very strange that the government still has not reported on the full poverty reduction in the Russian Federation.
№ 368498   Added MegaMozg 02-05-2019 / 00:10
President for our government, for the officials, in principle, it means nothing. Rather, it is for the "public" that needs to listen to the beautiful words, stories, neither understanding nor in numbers, nor in the meaning. Well, he promised to throw the needy 5-10 thousand rubles. What? By and large, when there are no jobs, when people in absolute poverty, if there is any money for very bad food then you can say, "Well done, though it gave 10 thousand for this family in a month there would be some help." But it will do nothing for development, prosperity of the family. It is no reason to feel like a man the head of the family, because he needs to earn money, to have the very minimum of 50 thousand rubles, and only then will not need handouts-gingerbread. Need high-tech, modern jobs, but it's the projects, the government will not do it, because it is not in a position today to introduce a good high-tech.
№ 362489   Added MegaMozg 27-02-2019 / 02:10
Recently, Vladislav Surkov wrote his article ["the Independent newspaper", the article "Long, the state of Putin"], everywhere it is discussed, I would like to hear your comment... &lt;...&gt; on the one hand, it turns out in the article that he urges to calm down with the current state, because we are in the beginning of a long way, and, in principle, the way to a happy future. [presenter]
- You know, here at the beginning... it seems to Me, Putin this year for the twenty years anniversary as he was in power. We don't take Medvedev's presidency, frankly speaking - it's basically the same thing. Twenty years! Is that the beginning of the path? How much do you need anyway? Stalin ten years has created a powerful industry in the thirties. By the way, Putin praised him for this matter - "we must follow the example of the industrialization of the thirties"... So it does not take something? After the war for five years to restore the whole economy. All! But the Germans destroyed the capital well, just, you know, some cities had here from scratch just to rebuild. Did. Now what's the problem? War that there is? Or what? Oil costs much. And it's all in the beginning! And why was Surkov's article? In my opinion, well the person understands - Putin's rating thirty percent. Minuscule! And he told us as if to say, "guys gotta trust!" You know what they say Reagan - "trust but verify". Enough to trust. Trusted for twenty years. When Putin went to the polls, he talked about raising the retirement age? &lt;...&gt; so people should not be treated! Well, you go to the polls, and to be honest - "guys there you have it, something to do..." no, No, it's okay. Only elected - rushed. And we should trust?
Quote Explanation: Channel "Free Press" in the Youtube program "Open Studio", February 15, 2019.
№ 361227   Added MegaMozg 17-02-2019 / 02:47
The ability to hear and understand people, to see through him, to the depth of choices is a unique and superior dignity of the state Putin. &lt;...&gt; In the new system, all institutions are subordinate to the main task of trusting communication and interaction of the ruler with the citizens. The different branches of government converge to the personality of the leader, regardless of value, not in themselves, but only to the extent that provide a connection with him. In addition to them, bypassing formal structures and elite groups are informal ways of communication. And when the stupidity, backwardness, corruption or create a disturbance in the lines of communication with the people taken energetic measures to restore hearing. Essentially the same society only trusts the first person. Proud of Lee, nobody ever conquered people, here it is, the desire to straighten the path of the truth, or something else, hard to say, but it is a fact, and a fact is not new. &lt;...&gt; It would be simplistic to bring the topic to the notorious "faith in the good king". Deep people are not naive and hardly considers the kindness of the Royal dignity. Rather, he could think about right ruler what Einstein said about God: "Sophisticated, but not malevolent". The modern model of the Russian state begins with trust and trust is kept. This is its fundamental difference from Western models, cultivating distrust and criticism. And this is its strength. Our new state in the new century will be a long and glorious history. It will not break.
Quote Explanation: The newspaper "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". The article "a Long state of Putin." 11 Feb 2019.
№ 360758   Added MegaMozg 13-02-2019 / 01:38
If Putin wins, then liberty media will be provided!
№ 354926   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2019 / 19:07
We have, however, whom no shock - we are everywhere our people are everywhere our guys. The question then - this week, the UN voted the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz as voted? Our guys... by the Way, here is our on all sides - the CSTO, the Customs Union, all as expected. And why? Belarusians - thank you, thank you Armenia, thank you Cuba about the Serbs and say it is a sin. <...> I have all these people say pray for Putin, pray to Mr President as long as possible led the country. Because he will be replaced by hard partocrat who saw in the coffin of the ideology of the Soviet Union era. It will age much younger. It is not imbibed with mother's milk about fourteen Soviet republics, which you have to death to help himself starve, but these parasites feed. Putin is a reflection on this issue, as is any person who was born and raised in the Soviet Union. <...> That whoever will replace this reflection to possess, he will twist it all in such a RAM's horn, that will not find. He won't listen to this bullshit.
Quote Explanation: An overview of the events of the week in the Studio of radio "Sputnik". Live from 21.12.2018 year. Topic: According to the results of the vote, the UN General Assembly supported the Ukrainian delegation initiated resolution on "the militarization of Crimea and Sevastopol city, as well as the Black and Azov seas". Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan abstained.
№ 353765   Added Viker 26-12-2018 / 16:47
All suffer, the King sat on the throne, endure all things,
Carry him with a bow grub and other stuff,
I was pleased with the King and well-fed, not hungry and sick,
That was the happy fate
Quote Explanation: When elected Vladimir Putin
№ 352540   Added MegaMozg 09-12-2018 / 02:04
Curious what rang: a knife, a nonferrous metal, or still the key 32 for a crackdown in the country? In General, the news for a few days turned into some kind of sect of Putin passing through the frame. What news we have thus come? "Putin asked to raise his feet to vacuum the carpet"? Waiting for a press conference for this reason. I did and never worried more.
Quote Explanation: President of Russia Vladimir Putin asked to pass through a metal detector in the trade and exhibition centre Suntec in Singapore, where the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), writes "Kommersant".
№ 350801   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2018 / 04:03
As for our role, in my personal opinion, she is showing the world an alternative way of life. And what's our difference - we do what is "good" and what is "bad" is perceived differently. &lt;...&gt; We understand justice completely wrong, as it is understood in America! In America there is no social justice, and in Europe it is not! There is a law that perpetuates social injustice, but rather their understanding of what "good" and what is "bad". And our feeling that we it is organically not suitable that we're rejects, and gives rise to here is the rejection of many Western models. We like and want to accept them, sometimes even themselves begin to break through the knee, put on the head of what we does not fit, but does not work. &lt;...&gt; it for thirty years happens to Russia! That is why many are surprised, including liberal-minded people - why not work? And begin to say, but is there propaganda! A - that is to say, TV! And is Putin! Do you think that Putin will leave and he will leave sooner or later, you think after all this change? And start these the West of the pan to fit over the head? No! The fact of the problem! Does not fit under Yeltsin, not under Putin fit, and then he, too, will not fit one! Not out there looking! &lt;...&gt; And the challenge in this is to find a harmonious combination of different things that will be perceived here organically and to allow for development.
№ 349192   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2018 / 23:03
Understand the conditional Putin was an authoritarian leader, because Russia asked them to. This story. Non-authoritarian leaders in Russia were down from the throne. I repeat: the constant intervention and private land grabbing forged a certain mentality. In him a fierce desire for independence and sovereignty. &lt;...&gt; When you say: "Russia - the successor of the Empire of Genghis Khan" is a terrible irritation from intellectuals. But what we are. Moreover, in the world of stiff competition in authoritarian States are better able to concentrate resources and to pursue a consistent long-term policy, the advantage over the modern democracies. But authoritarianism is, of course, not a panacea. It often leads to stagnation or even failure. Russia needs 15 years of peaceful development. As a result, we become more humane and more democratic.
Quote Explanation: The magazine "Russia in global politics". The article "Authoritarianism in Russia are not imposed from above." 11 Oct 2018.
№ 348128   Added MegaMozg 28-10-2018 / 23:11
Putin is very sensitive to the opinion of the population. It's important to him. We are now experiencing the reaction time, but open a "Pandora's box" and you will find that our people - the anti-Westerners. Authoritarian Russia is not imposed from above. It is the result of our history that shaped our genetic code. Without the centralization of power could not develop and to ensure the safety of such a huge country with geographically not protected by borders. When this power is weakened in the early seventeenth century was a turmoil, the collapse and intervention of the poles. The same collapse, civil war, intervention - followed the democratic revolution of February 1917. And then came the Bolsheviks and the terror of the Gulag. I still think that the country miraculously did not die after the revolution of 1991 and the subsequent collapse.
Quote Explanation: The magazine "Russia in global politics". The article "Authoritarianism in Russia are not imposed from above." 11 Oct 2018.
№ 348127   Added MegaMozg 28-10-2018 / 23:10