Putin [Theme] Page 2

The topic of the death of diplomacy is very rich. I agree with her. This is what we observe objectively in the modern world. Just let's be honest that diplomacy is not alone dying. And it didn't start dying today. I periodically re-read the memoirs of the current CIA Director Burns, who was ambassador to Moscow. He describes his activities as ambassador to Moscow. A diplomat is not only a person who not only speaks, but also who listens. He has a wonderful episode when he was invited to V. V. Putin. V. V. Putin talks to him very confidentially. 2008 year. Nothing irrevocable has happened yet. And Burns can't hear anymore.
They don't hear us for more than a decade.
But with the death of diplomacy, so will propaganda.
Quote Explanation: William Burns' book The Invisible Force, How American Diplomacy Works, is mentioned.
Release Date: 08.04.2021
№ 416655   Added Viker 13-04-2021 / 13:40
Donald Trump is no longer president, which means that Russia hasn't been heard much lately. I mean, it wasn't heard until yesterday, when Joe Biden gave an interview to remind us that he's a tough guy.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: So you know Vladimir Putin. Do you think he's a murderer?"
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: "What price should he pay?"
JOE BIDEN: "You'll definitely see what price he's going to pay."
"Putin will pay because he's a murderer!" says a man who has just launched missiles at Syria for no apparent reason. In response, Putin challenged Biden to a debate that, frankly, would be worth watching. We want to hear what Biden has to say.
But let us consider in more detail the actions of Russia. She's so upsetting to us! What did the Russians do? They carried out genocide, bought up all the third world countries in Africa and Latin America, built literally all the infrastructure in the Bahamas. In our own hemisphere, they are stealing our jobs, our intellectual property, throwing tons of fentanyl at our country, which has claimed more than 100,000 lives. They flooded our universities with spies. They are trying to achieve world domination!
Though... Wait up! This is not Russia! Russia did not release the virus that destroyed our economy and left millions of people out of work. China did it. China. And the dictator who runs it, Xi Jinping. Joe Biden knows that. He knows that Russia does not threaten the existence of the United States, but he continues to talk about it because he does not want to talk about China. His family apparently made millions with the help of China. Like countless other members of the corporate and ruling elite. But Putin will pay! And not just Putin. You know who else will pay? You. Soon you will have to pay much more taxes. Biden also told us about this.
Release Date: 19.03.2021
№ 415774   Added MegaMozg 26-03-2021 / 11:36
Mothers have tears on the floor - waterfalls.
№ 415695   Added MegaMozg 23-03-2021 / 22:57
The source of Russia's power is not the statement of a certain Biden, but the opinion of the Russian people. And when the Russian president, who is elected by the Russian people, says that we will now work with the American people, this is important. Because for many years we were not ready for this.
Release Date: 21.03.2021
№ 415576   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2021 / 18:42
And it is no coincidence that Putin wished Biden health. You need to carefully look at how he smiled with the corners of his lips when he wished him health. He kind of immediately tried to encrypt it - no-no-no, only health. It is quite clear what kind of health he wished this <....> president.
Quote Explanation: ⚡️Urgently | Putin summoned Biden to talk | Special issue.
№ 415275   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2021 / 15:33
On the future. It's not even an attitude towards corruption or theft, it's a question of the future. a serious issue is being resolved. Or the future is a sovereign and strong Russia, regardless of what the name of the President of Russia is. It won't be Putin, it's going to be someone else. The question is what kind of policy Russia will pursue - inside the country and abroad.
Or it will be a country of extremely narrow-minded and very unsully and sometimes frankly depraved people who will not be ready for any independent policy either inside Russia or outside it. This is what the struggle is for, but not for any freedoms, ideals, principles. They have no principles for a long time.
Release Date: 09.02.2021
№ 413366   Added MegaMozg 11-02-2021 / 02:42
Medvedev and Putin virtually liquidated the welfare state of Russia.
№ 412929   Added MegaMozg 04-02-2021 / 07:06
I really liked the form in which the president is. This man has nerves of steel. I remember - I had a good friend, a comrade, a good director... He died because one bad article was written about him in the newspaper. My heart couldn't stand it. But this man has been under tremendous pressure for seven years. Here's this last story, this is with this Taj Mahal. It's not even that it's a provocation, it's meanness! It's mean! It's not politics. He's a living person, it's all a huge load. I would like to say this about the Taj Mahal: for the merits that Vladimir Putin has done for the country - why does he not have five palaces? This is the man who saved the country when it fell apart! This is the man who ended the civil war! The Chechen campaign, I believe, is a civil war. This is the man who made the country profitable! You will remember what the debt was and what gold and foreign exchange reserves are now. He builds roads, he builds airports, he's built hundreds of businesses in the country. And most importantly, I'm approaching my seventy years, I've seen a lot of leaders, different ones were better, worse. The first time is the person who absolutely corresponds to the tasks that the country faces. Smart, intelligent, strong-willed, decisive, who controls the situation, who is not afraid to challenge such a monstrous force, albeit fading, but it is a huge force that is directed against the Russian Federation and the world in general. <... > By the way, in any other country, those who do this would be sued for libel. him need your Taj Mahal? Listen, the man has peace in his pocket! From his any word depends, in general, what will happen to this world!
Release Date: 27.01.2021
№ 412821   Added MegaMozg 02-02-2021 / 09:27
We have said more than once here that the situation is pre-war. In diplomatic polite language, President Putin said this today at a forum in Davos. To the whole world. For those who understand, I will continue. It is necessary to consider everything - the economy, politics, social situation - in this framework. And then there are a few important things.
Putin has proclaimed a new type of state policy. A modern state that will replace everything that was. It was about the welfare state. These are all words from the previous generation. Putin was not talking about the individual, but about the peoples who have their own states. And the most important task of the state is to be the life support infrastructure of the people as a whole. We call such a state a people's state.
The entire previous model of the state brought us to the brink of war. The challenge is how to get out of this now without leading to war and world catastrophe. The ideology of this exit is the emergence of a new type of state aimed at people's welfare.
Release Date: 27.01.2021
№ 412266   Added MegaMozg 28-01-2021 / 22:54
What Putin said in Davos is very interesting. This indicates that we clearly understand which way we are going, what our national interests are. And very politely, very calmly, we made it clear that we did not agree at all. And in my opinion, for the first time, deep disappointment sounded in the basic economic theories and views that are being imposed. And it became clear that no, all your jokes with your advice do not work either. And we position ourselves as a welfare state. What we have written in the constitution.
Release Date: 27.01.2021
№ 412264   Added MegaMozg 28-01-2021 / 22:48
If Putin wanted a palace, the people would have chipped in and built 20 such palaces for him.
Quote Explanation: Стоимость дворца Путина в Геленджике - 100 000 000 000 рублей ( по 680 рублей на каждого россиянина) . Судя по логике Соловьева, народ поголовно готов скинуться на 13 600 рублей, на строительство дворцов для Путина.
№ 411843   Added MegaMozg 21-01-2021 / 09:39
Let me remind you of Putin's words: we are white and fluffy. ... A major international campaign comes in, takes a certain resource, mostly natural, digs it up, pumps it out, takes it away, and releases a couple of percent for it. Classic British colonialism. And to savages - beads. These percentages are actually beads. Then Russia began to mature. I came to my senses. I shook myself. Putin made. He called to order the oligarchs who climbed into power. And then the question arose: guys, we don't need beads. “And if you don’t want to be our colony, then we’ll arrange it for you.” Here a point of strain has emerged in the relationship. They do not want to see us as equal partners.
Quote Explanation: Solovyov LIVE Interview with Dmitry Peskov
№ 410723   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2021 / 00:42
- And capitalism does not take root here. [remark by Vladimir Solovyov]
- I understood this important moment when I became the director of Mosfilm. The fact is that Russia is a very expensive country in terms of utilities. It does not stand up to competition in terms of utilities, and in terms of distances. Now in Los Angeles +25 degrees. There is no need for a roof, no need to clean icicles, no heating - none of this is needed. Even from this point of view, everything we do always has an element that we cannot cope without the participation of the state. And what is state involvement? This is socialism. This is what society should help its producers. But our society has hardly done anything since the '90s. Now they started doing it. Here is a simple example - V. V. Putin, I believe, adopted a brilliant decree from January 1 to prohibit the export of unprocessed wood. This means that investments will go here, jobs will appear. But it took thirty years. And why couldn't it be done in '92? It's such an obvious thing that... They exported round timber to China, left, right...
Release Date: 26.11.2020
№ 408561   Added MegaMozg 07-12-2020 / 23:00
This is absolutely reasonable, because it has always been so. <…> This is a very necessary piece of native land, preciously needed! <…> And thank you for this to one person to whom we owe this - he is an absolute fine fellow. And the main thing is that this is true, because the people there were always ours anyway. I also clap and wave and shout with all my hands - this is wonderful!
Quote Explanation: Supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia in interview with the publication "Evening Moscow" (March 18, 2014).
№ 407184   Added MegaMozg 20-11-2020 / 16:18
La bruyère and Descartes still at school understand all of this said. And here's Vladimir Putin in the twenty-first century does not deign to understand that before he began to compose amendments to the Constitution, all has been said, and said it is not V. Mashkov, Markov, Tereshkova and other Naryshkin.
№ 402422   Added MegaMozg 14-08-2020 / 18:00