shock [Theme]

I'm going ahead!
№ 457749   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:22
To say to any other woman, any other blind woman, except Deya: “I am very ugly in appearance,” was dangerous. To be blind and, moreover, in love means to be doubly blind. In such a state, daydreaming awakens with particular force. Illusion is the daily bread of dreams; To take away an illusion from love is the same as to deprive it of food. For love to arise, admiration of both the soul and the body is necessary. In addition, you should never tell a woman anything that is difficult for her to understand. She begins to think about it, and often her thoughts take a bad turn. The riddle destroys the integrity of the dream. The shock caused by a carelessly dropped word entails a deep crack in what has already grown together. Sometimes it happens, one doesn’t even know how, that under the influence of a randomly thrown phrase, the heart gradually becomes empty, unbeknownst to itself. A loving being notices that its level of happiness has decreased. There is nothing more terrible than this slow disappearance of happiness through the walls of a cracked vessel.
№ 457582   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 11:55
Only a terrible shock could destroy inveterate slavery in Russia.
№ 455553   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2023 / 14:03
Our consciousness is the most complex of mechanisms. Sometimes, in order to overcome the shock experienced, the mind erects a wall, surrounding the truth with a barrier through which it is impossible to get through. So we protect ourselves from what we are afraid to accept, with which we are not able to put up with.
№ 451605   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 09:25
Erotic shock is the way to bring out the beauty in the world.
№ 444512   Added MegaMozg 16-09-2022 / 01:06
They were pursued by one misfortune after another, each blow of fate was followed by a new shock, so that they retreated further and further until they were cornered ...
№ 441616   Added MegaMozg 29-06-2022 / 03:15
Demelza began to worry that the Clowens might be asked what kind of outfit they were wearing. Personally, she did not like to swim naked or in strange jackets and petticoats from fashion magazines, but she had her own outfit, reminiscent of a sleeveless Greek tunic, short and intercepted at the waist with a rope. She realized that such an outfit would cause the deepest shock among the ladies present.
№ 435746   Added MegaMozg 13-02-2022 / 06:54
It so happened in my life that, having survived as a seven-year-old child in besieged Leningrad thanks to the boundless love and care of my mother, I returned to the blockade after 20 years as its historian and experienced a shock no less strong than in childhood. It was all the more unexpected because in the post-war years it seemed to me that I had forgotten everything about that terrible time. However, fate was pleased to remind me of him:...
In the course of many years of archival searches, I had to make many discoveries about both the high morale of the people of Leningrad and their tragic fate. And this did not go to any comparison with what I saw with my own eyes from the window of our frozen apartment in the blockade winter of 1941-1942.

Explanation of the quote:

2013 edition
Professor G. L. Sobolev is the author of more than 300 scientific works, including more than a dozen monographs and manuals.
The book shows the besieged life of Leningrad in all its manifestations, considers the nature and motives of the behavior of various social groups of the population, identifies the main factors of survival in the conditions of the blockade.
Quote Explanation: The book shows the blockade life of Leningrad in all its manifestations, examines the nature and motives of the behavior of various social groups of the population, identifies the main factors of survival in the conditions of the blockade.
№ 425841   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 11:28
Now he had complete control of his feelings. They were even unusually acute and susceptible. The terrible shock suffered by his body so intensified and refined them that they noted what had previously been inaccessible to them. He could feel the ripples in his face and take turns discerning the sound of each push of water. He looked at the wooded shore, saw separately every tree, every leaf and veins on it, all down to the insects in the foliage - cicadas, flies with shiny backs, gray spiders stretching their web from branch to branch. He saw all the colors of the rainbow in the dew droplets on millions of blades of grass. The buzzing of a midge dancing over the whirlpools, the fluttering of dragonflies' wings, the blows of the paws of a floating beetle that looked like a boat raised by oars - all this was intelligible music. The fish slid at his very eyes, and he heard the sound of water dissected by it.
№ 419078   Added MegaMozg 15-05-2021 / 08:18
“The weapon only has a number,” Chimbik said.
№ 417975   Added MegaMozg 27-04-2021 / 15:24
Any revolution engenders terror after itself, whether in France, Iran or Russia. Therefore, I am a categorical opponent of revolutions. revolution can be personnel, which is ripe for us now, of course, we need a scientific and technical revolution, and whatever, just not a socio-political one. Shaking the country will not lead to anything good.
№ 410439   Added MegaMozg 30-12-2020 / 22:51
Isn't adventure a constant challenge to yourself? What is the point of traveling without struggle and turmoil?
№ 410389   Added MegaMozg 29-12-2020 / 21:00
Betrayal is not the main shock in a person's life, it is much more painful to see how the ideals of his relationship with those he cherished are crumbling.
№ 406564   Added MegaMozg 08-11-2020 / 00:09
- I beg you, be merciful. Dr. bell suffered a severe shock.
- Yeah, five bottles, no less - snorts Sutcliffe.
№ 402127   Added MegaMozg 06-08-2020 / 20:21
If you think about it, instinctively man always, always takes the side of the weak, defeated. So if we show all our weakness, our wounds that we are on the verge of surrender, it will cause a shock.
№ 397379   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:32