hard work [Theme]

You young people don’t really know what it’s like to be hungry. Live in abundance. Do you dream of not having to work, but at the same time having a lot of money? Someone always owes you something. And we, people of the old Soviet school, we can always earn our bread at any age, because for us to work does not mean to be a slave, it means to take responsibility.
№ 460045   Added Viker 18-12-2023 / 10:25
Diligence makes you tireless, good deeds make you a person with a burning heart, and indifference to your bad deeds makes you a good role model.
№ 455681   Added MegaMozg 11-08-2023 / 00:39
Laziness makes a person rotten, whining - humiliated, and diligence - the strongest.
№ 455316   Added MegaMozg 29-07-2023 / 10:27
Self-confidence and hard work always bring success.
№ 445474   Added MegaMozg 15-10-2022 / 16:45
Talent cannot be nurtured under duress, for this you need a spark of God, love for what you do, and hard work.
№ 440126   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:29
You don't have to depend on your own genius. If you have great talents, hard work will improve them; if you have only moderate ability, hard work will make up for it.
№ 433389   Added MegaMozg 21-12-2021 / 15:48
Talent develops from a feeling of love for work, it is even possible that talent - in essence it - is love for work, for the process of work.
№ 429910   Added Viker 05-10-2021 / 17:20
When I first received and opened a book on mathematical analysis, it all from beginning to end consisted of formulas with deformed symbols, it contained half of the Greek alphabet. I didn't know what these letters were, how they were pronounced, or how to use them at all. Everything in one book! I then decided that I would never understand this. It looks so unattainable, but day after day you progress through the tutorial and learn more and more. One day you open the page and realize that this is a second-order derivative, as if the fog had suddenly cleared away. The lesson I learned is that hard work dispels ignorance. Since then I have been using it in my life. You should not judge your knowledge by how difficult or obvious it seems at first glance.
№ 425072   Added MegaMozg 07-08-2021 / 04:45
Not only the happiness of a husband's life depends on his wife, but also the development and growth of his character. A good wife is a blessing of Heaven, the best gift for a husband, his angel and a source of innumerable blessings: her voice for him is the sweetest music, her smile sanctifies his day, her kiss is the guardian of his loyalty, her hands are the balm of his health and all his life , her hard work is the guarantee of his well-being, her frugality is his most reliable manager, her lips are his best advisor, her breasts are the softest pillow on which all worries are forgotten, and her prayers are his advocate before the Lord.
№ 403881   Added MegaMozg 16-09-2020 / 13:42
Work isn't always hard work. Sometimes it's an escape from another job.
№ 403537   Added MegaMozg 06-09-2020 / 18:48
I hate those who do not want to do and adore those who work hard.
№ 400683   Added MegaMozg 17-07-2020 / 21:12
The Kingdom of heaven is not given to lying on the side, but only to workers suffering and sorrow.
№ 400343   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2020 / 06:00
Hard work and responsibility - so much talent!
№ 400296   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2020 / 03:36
... In any case, any occupation to work diligently, despite the lack of talent is the basis of success.
№ 397747   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:51
In order to become a good artist, even have to sleep with a sketchbook and a pencil.
№ 396611   Added Viker 01-06-2020 / 11:16