Author of quotes: Natalia Tsarenko

The father is a kind of beacon by which the girl is guided in the world of men all her life.
№ 440972   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2022 / 15:45
Mom is the saving of what is significant for us, dad is the development and impetus for moving forward.
№ 440961   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2022 / 15:12
By forgiving, we become better ourselves, we make our children better and cleaner, and therefore we make a gift to the world - we help it become more harmonious. And in such a world it is more pleasant to live than in one grinning with hostility and fear, isn't it?
№ 440864   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2022 / 03:18
It is important to learn how to suppress negative emotions, but to manage them, to control and make a choice in favor of rejecting them even at the stage of their occurrence. In our country, alas, it is usually accepted in a different way: allow yourself to be offended and angry, let resentment and anger grow - and then start fighting or suppressing them: both require enormous energy costs and are completely unconstructive.
№ 440863   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2022 / 03:15
One way or another, but with a negative attitude towards the mother, it is necessary to work - first of all, by yourself, because hostility, hatred towards the mother is, in fact, hatred towards a part of ourselves, and such self-destruction is never without consequences.
№ 440862   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2022 / 03:12
By allowing ourselves to forgive our mother for her imperfections, we give both her and ourselves a chance to change - even if it seems to you that the mother is unbearable and everything is hopeless.
№ 440861   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2022 / 03:09
The very thought
Quote Explanation: According to psychotherapist Ekaterina Mikhailova
№ 440860   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2022 / 03:06
The scars on the soul, although they make it less sensitive, do not decorate at all - neither those who wear them, nor even those who inflicted them.
№ 440859   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2022 / 03:03
Charity with the expectation of reciprocal payment is not charity, but a commercial project.
№ 440808   Added Viker 14-06-2022 / 10:14
Talent cannot be nurtured under duress, for this you need a spark of God, love for what you do, and hard work.
№ 440126   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:29
Remember: comparisons are the best way to foster envy or hatred, as well as develop an inferiority complex in a child.
№ 440125   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:29
In fact, children forgive us a lot, much more than we deserve it.
№ 440110   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:25
But for a real, fulfilling life, a child needs care, attention, a warm and kind attitude, understanding and acceptance. Without this, any child will wither like a flower without water.
№ 440109   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:17
If you don't set the rules of the game, life will. And much tougher.
№ 440108   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:16