obstacles [Theme] Page 1

... Everywhere and in everything there should be a drop. A drop of selfless kindness... Without hypocrisy and hidden intent, a drop of a warm look of warmth... Simple comfort at home, when the weather is bad outside... A drop of sincere joy, for example, for a friend who got rid of an evil illness... A drop of hope inside, when life to put obstacles in your way... A drop of true love coming from the very heart of its depth...
№ 441952   Added MegaMozg 09-07-2022 / 05:36
Darkness is only a barrier to reunion into one whole light. And barriers are needed for knowing the world and learning about life.
№ 438020   Added MegaMozg 23-04-2022 / 08:12
- He stood in my way.
Quote Explanation: Ellen tore out the jaws of the Alien tongue that she had killed and gave it to Annalee, who accepted it in shock and, realizing that she was holding it in her hand, discarded it.
№ 436319   Added MegaMozg 08-03-2022 / 20:54
For the enchanted traveler there are no barriers.
№ 435892   Added MegaMozg 18-02-2022 / 13:39
The heart is not what it appears to us. What is to be seen in it? The Buddha said that one who contemplates his heart raises unnecessary barriers for himself. All things are essentially one thing. Why prove their equality? Chuang Tzu said that he who talks about the equality of things destroys their unity.
№ 434411   Added Viker 26-01-2022 / 18:31
When a person realizes that he has dissatisfaction and allows himself to do something in order to get what he wants, he becomes truly strong and powerful. He seems to sweep away all the obstacles in his path.
№ 428196   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 15:11
We eat to survive, even though it's easier to die and not take a steam bath. But if you continue to live despite the obstacles in your path, you will become happy and you will definitely not wish that you survived.
Quote Explanation: My friend told me today that he was tired a lot and wanted to die because in a few minutes he also had training, but I just said it. So this is my quote FZ maybe someone else said it. 25/8/2021
№ 426466   Added MegaMozg 25-08-2021 / 12:00
All the obstacles that will be encountered on the way determine your true desire to achieve results and change what surrounds you.
№ 423377   Added MegaMozg 16-07-2021 / 14:42
There are two reasons that prevent you from moving forward - it's self-pity and constantly making excuses.
№ 423213   Added Viker 16-07-2021 / 12:27
The individual first becomes aware of his own strength through the experience of the obstacle.
№ 421857   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 13:36
Finally, I am allowed to rest, plunged into twilight. First of all, a double turn of the key in the lock. It seems to me that this will further increase my loneliness and erect barricades that will henceforth create a barrier between me and the outside world.
№ 419501   Added MegaMozg 21-05-2021 / 22:39
Up close - I'm not happy with my neighbor.
Let him go to heaven, let him go to hell!
After all, there is no love, where there are no obstacles.
Quote Explanation: Near
№ 419240   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2021 / 20:39
Now I can't swim across.
№ 412995   Added MegaMozg 04-02-2021 / 14:06
We belong to different peoples and powers. And yet we must become one in the face of a mighty enemy! Therefore, I turn for help to those who also want to live! Please, let's meet the future together! If we join forces, no obstacles can stop us!
Quote Explanation: Willie Tiber addresses delegations from different countries to declare war on Paradise.
№ 412037   Added MegaMozg 25-01-2021 / 11:30
My middle name is stage, my name is ARTIST!
№ 411750   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2021 / 12:33