Book: Beautiful. Bad. Evil.

She sat on the enemy's lap, trying to ease his pain. So clear and simple. Like twice two. Lose the one you love. Lose a mother. It's like some kind of separate language in which there were no sides - everyone understood it.
№ 446734   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:54
She wondered so often what had become of him. How that guy who was always a boor, too arrogant, but still just a man, turned into a hardened bathyscaphe, surrounded by darkness. And here it is, the answer. So logical and simple in its essence. Mother.
№ 446733   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:51
You know this rule: children are always more important than parents. Is always.
№ 446732   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:48
You have no idea what a pain it is not to be able to save your child. And I won't let you feel it. Because it's worse than death.
№ 446731   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:45
"Then why do we remember them?"
№ 446730   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:42
He smelled of whiskey. Whiskey and grief, and this is the most dangerous mixture.
№ 446729   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:39
When you become a witness to something, you become a direct part of it.
№ 446728   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:36
And it was the most disgusting kind of malice - hopelessness.
№ 446727   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:33
I wonder how many people didn't do what they talked about years ago because of the war?
№ 446726   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:30
No strictness had the right to act if the one who spoke it was absolutely helpless.
№ 446725   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:27
Loyalty is more important than blood.
№ 446724   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:24
Life has done this so often: mocking, making you suffer, but only then to drop a bomb that will create a crater, showing that everything that you worried about yesterday will simply cease to exist, covered with ash from the explosion.
№ 446723   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:18
Something like a hackneyed phrase that life is movement. But no. Life is an exploration, a journey too extraordinary to be abandoned so quickly.
№ 446722   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:15
And everything in her screamed: "Run, you idiot, run." And she ran. Just not in that direction.
№ 446721   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:12
Yes, hatred is definitely one of the most dangerous feelings.
№ 446720   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2022 / 01:09