Author of quotes: Ilya Efimovich Repin

Here we have pear trees in bloom and apple trees unfolding. The weather was lovely, warm and even the rain, which was so desirable, passed on the third day. The forest is opposite, across the river; greenery - like in popular prints. All around, winter trees are beginning to take on a silvery tint. In the forest, nightingales sing, other birds echo them... Various ordinary people pester me so much with requests, with bills, peddlers with goods, that every minute I am ready to loudly tell them: Let's go
Quote Explanation: Ilya Repin, from a letter to Vladimir Stasov, 1893.
№ 465396   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 05:12
Even with great talent, unprincipledness lowers the personality of the traveler: in him, the pub crawler or a spoiled person.
№ 462118   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:13
When they pose very impeccably, the portrait comes out boring, lifeless, and, conversely, when sitting impatiently, successful surprises are obtained.
№ 455522   Added MegaMozg 05-08-2023 / 14:42
Life is designed so the exceedingly wide, and how much enjoyment, how much of happiness is around the person, if he is able to use it. Yes, happiness must be sought, it is necessary to sacrifice a lot, we must prepare ourselves to develop to understand it and use it. And what, after all, most of us all looking like a sheep in the Bible.
№ 365413   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 08:08
Leo Tolstoy said that nelubimaya and unloved woman excites in him a pity, but really, even more the pity that will excite the woman, fascinated passionately to oblivion, especially when her passion is not mutual. I remember myself what I was despicable, under the yoke of passion - a vile animal. Thank God that it's all gone, and for two years as I am very quiet and do not even want reps; before I would have missed this drunkenness, without of this foolishness.
№ 365412   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 08:02
In a drawer we, Russian, usually we put everything we have the best, where it lies, lies and quite often thrown away by mistake.
№ 365411   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 06:03
The man without convictions - the Kestrel, without principles - it is insignificant worthlessness.
№ 365410   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 06:02
Because love is always so. If it is strong, it is reaching its climax, she drops to the reaction; and if not, then the kind and thoughtful soul can vozrostet and cherish for the vacant place, a little, but just for a long time, forever. This is the best love - healthy, strong, but calm, intelligent.
№ 365409   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 04:03
Get ready in advance, that your love will pass, it must be replaced by friendship. A friendship is born only out of loyalty. If a woman can be completely devoted to the interests of her husband, she is a precious friend who needed the man to whom he would not part even for a minute in all his life, whom he will love and respect deep into the soul of life. If the husband is devoted to his wife, children will be treated with full respect to your wife (in case of loss of love), the family is happy. But if these two entities will be fond of freedom, self-emancipation, heterogeneous work in which each independent situation, the family disappeared, the gap is inevitable.
№ 365408   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 04:02
Disappointment with oneself is so familiar to me that I even remember the night I can't sleep.
№ 365407   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 03:13
I got co chair to give her my place. She looked at me c contemptuous severity, and, barely holding back an ironic smile, went to the area a nightmare to tobacco smoke. The other day I asked Antokolsky: "Why is mistress c derision and contempt away from me when I wanted to give her your chair?" "A's, see new youth considers these manners vulgarity. Girls and men are equal; it is a courtship offends them... students Have abandoned long ago all these medieval Chinese". "That's how! We know... And I was wondering if y I-stained face in paint".
Quote Explanation: She is Valentina Serova, mother of a future painter.
№ 365406   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 03:12
They say love only those who are suffering; the more suffering, the more affection. Art threat the subject of love in its depth, the unfathomable, the eternal newness, eternal mystery. It most reflects the divine in man.
№ 365405   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2019 / 03:11
... likened the society of former people.
Quote Explanation: Repin of M. Mussorgsky.
№ 314847   Added MegaMozg 21-01-2018 / 13:04
This man is immortal, thanks to his original love of freedom.
Quote Explanation: About Serowe
№ 147208   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 19:27