emoticons [Theme]

Cats and emoticons - what else is needed for bliss?
№ 466090   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2024 / 03:15
The Internet is a familiar thing. So much so that you can use it completely thoughtlessly. If one day we all turn into zombies, then half of humanity will still be surfing the Internet for a long time, watching videos with cats and throwing emoticons into chats.
№ 458293   Added MegaMozg 06-11-2023 / 09:06
You know, lately I have increasingly had the need to have a smiley face that laughs, showing that everything is okay, and he himself puts a gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. I would cover my face with it on occasion.
№ 428798   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 16:25
Sit yourself on the couch in his apartment, you want - in shorts, you want - in a clown suit, but at least naked sitting. Poke at the buttons on the keyboard or on the screen like how to communicate. Ask questions, respond to others, Express my opinion, joke, laugh... Just laugh like? Two buttons pressed: the colon and parenthesis - count laughed, and for the lazy you can even one click - list of your emotions on the screen. Smileys, faces, balls with flags. It's not only you smile - they are the bunnies laughing. They have fun, they are happy, hugging, kissing, rolling on the floor laughing. That they are there, in your virtual world. And the two sit at the monitor and think it's their emotions.
№ 352983   Added MegaMozg 13-12-2018 / 16:08
Once again, I see that cartoon porn on your phone-you will get kicked out!
№ 331447   Added MegaMozg 03-07-2018 / 18:16
- He led me to a quote where Nabokov writes that we lack of expression in the Russian language and you need to enter a sign of a smile. And describes just smile specifically.
- That is, Nabokov invented the smiley face?
- Yes, Yes, Yes. He specifically describes the smiley, that's a fact. He says that it would be necessary to enter the bracket, which would mean a soft or friendly tone *. Only the realization that Nabokov invented it, I was humbled, and I began to use it.
Quote Explanation: "I often think that there should exist a special typographical sign for a smile - something like a curved line lying supine brackets; this is the icon I would put instead of answering your question." Vladimir Nabokov, an interview with Alden Whitman, 1969.
№ 270663   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 13:48
- How can someone break up through a simple text message?
What's wrong with my SMS? Yes, I even used emoticons! Have I not sent you sad face?
№ 260003   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 18:07
- My wife left me. Can you imagine? Texted me a whole bunch of emoticons.
- What did you say?
- I couldn't resist. Repay in the same coin. Sent her a smiley face with a turd.
- Also an option.
11 Season 11 Series
№ 241057   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 16:04
... I remember conversations, I remember when they happened. Suggestions. Humans to interpret. People were saying something like: "I was very nervous to meet him, but when he came, he reassured me quickly, and we had a nice night". About ten years ago. Not a hundred! In the end, people just refuse words. Just going to show the languages in which are pictures like the ones that are now in mobile.
№ 238683   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 14:35
Just send her a message, so it is done these days.
The message created by the thumb, can not convey emotions!
- Use the smiley.
2 Season 5 Series
№ 182093   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 09:04
- This SMS ka... it's not funny!
- Of course not, I didn't put a smiley face at the end.
Quote Explanation: Jackson wrote Lydia sms that throws it.
1 Season 9 Series
№ 135117   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 15:16
Rating smiley face. What is there to argue, really? Said "class!" - "do not roll" - "bullshit.", and a friend you understand. Given something like "an irresistible story, but inconsistent final", and the other the back of your neck: do not load surpluses in the head, the head is not dimensionless.
Smilemy the style of communication adopted in the modern world, convenient as fast food. Labels instead of ideas, laconism instead of figures of speech. The speech, devoid of momentum, it becomes similar to the Lai. This has to be reconciled: verbosity now out of fashion. In the spirit of the time - template icons on the desktop of my mind....
Evaluation is a constant, the sum of unequal experiences. Mixing colors will get no color. The rating can be multiplied by adding the intermediate grades, but scale will not cease to be one-dimensional. Something to say, we have to discard the labels.
№ 98693   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 02:08
- What place do You allot yourself among writers now living and writers of the recent past?
- I often think that there should exist a special typographical sign for a smile - something like a curved line lying supine brackets, this is the icon I would put instead of answering your question.
Quote Explanation: April 1969
№ 72527   Added MegaMozg 04-01-2017 / 07:53
Require you to enter such a smile at the quip, where he holds a sign saying "Sarcasm".
№ 61960   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 16:14
Frankly, all that is between us
Megabytes of photos, those that take up memory.
To be a little closer to touch her lips,
You smiled at me, not the smiley face on the screen.
№ 57900   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 13:17