heat [Theme]

Everything will be fine, even what’s bad!..
№ 466112   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2024 / 03:15
Here we have pear trees in bloom and apple trees unfolding. The weather was lovely, warm and even the rain, which was so desirable, passed on the third day. The forest is opposite, across the river; greenery - like in popular prints. All around, winter trees are beginning to take on a silvery tint. In the forest, nightingales sing, other birds echo them... Various ordinary people pester me so much with requests, with bills, peddlers with goods, that every minute I am ready to loudly tell them: Let's go
Quote Explanation: Ilya Repin, from a letter to Vladimir Stasov, 1893.
№ 465396   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 05:12
A word coming from the heart warms two winters in a row.
№ 465123   Added MegaMozg 25-03-2024 / 04:00
March is about renewal and awakening, about the revelation of feminine energy, about connection with nature and its gifts, about self-care and self-knowledge, about brewed morning tea with rose hips and raisins, which gives warmth inside and leaves a sweet aftertaste, about lemons in a wicker basket on the kitchen table, about jars of tea and spices that fill the whole house with their aroma, about baked porridge for breakfast, to which you add pieces of cheese, it melts and gives a salty-pleasant taste, about a city drowning in the first spring flowers, about the return the desire to walk, about the feeling of being inspired by new things...
№ 465041   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2024 / 04:15
The warmth of the human heart is a special, precious gift; it may not warm your hands so much, but it warms you from the inside.
№ 465040   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2024 / 04:12
I was always like a puzzle piece that didn't fit anywhere. A rude, useless, carelessly thrown little piece. Only Suri said that I was good the way I am and believed in me. I want to become the same. Give more kindness than I receive and give more warmth than I feel. One day, like today, even if the whole world is your enemy, I will stay by your side and do my best to make you smile.
№ 464511   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 11:59
The long, boring winter has passed, and a magnificent spring has arrived. It’s light to the point of pain in the eyes, warm, violets and almonds are blooming, the sea has a gentle view. Very very good.
№ 464244   Added MegaMozg 16-03-2024 / 01:33
Let each of us just want to be silent this spring. Silence from happiness.
№ 463888   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:57
I'm free to be different. Today. Tomorrow. And always.
№ 463039   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:19
Be warm...
№ 463024   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:17
Spring is not the beginning of March and not even the warmth of the sun always flowing from the heavens; spring is a state of mind, even if it is February outside the window.
№ 463022   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:16
The noise of the coffee machine, the rustling of beans - these sounds make you listen and once again be convinced that life is made up of such little things. And I just smiled. Sincerely and warmly, because my soul felt incredibly good. Your favorite music is playing in your headphones, scalding coffee is in your cup, and the sun's rays are breaking through the panoramic windows, tickling your eyelashes and gently touching your face. And if you look up at the sky, you can see incredible blueness, captivating and reminiscent of the imminent arrival of warmth and colorful sunsets.
№ 463020   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 11:16
The cold and prickly month of February. He looks into your coat collar and makes you quicken your step, as if he’s hurrying you towards spring, towards your dreams, towards new people you meet along the way. And you are a little scared, and you try to resist this unknown flow, grab onto tree branches, but you are still irrevocably carried forward. Gray days and changeable mood, when you really want the sun. And somewhere there, in a deep pocket, you feel with an almost icy, barely moving hand a small, glimmering coin of hope. Chilled through and through, you almost don’t believe in this find, you carefully touch it again, and the warmth begins to spread in a soft wave across your palm, rises up your shoulder and then a little down to your very heart. You look into this torn sky with gray clouds, behind which completely different colors emerge, which only you notice. And you are no longer cold at all, because you believe that spring miracles are about to knock on the old creaky door of your snow-covered house again.
№ 462440   Added Viker 06-02-2024 / 10:04
keep warm...
№ 462329   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 19:44